Device Tracker

The device tracker allows you to track devices in Home Assistant. This can happen by querying your wireless router or by having applications push location info.

Configuring a device_tracker platform

To get started add the following lines to your configuration.yaml (example for Netgear):

# Example configuration.yaml entry for Netgear device
  - platform: netgear
    host: IP_ADDRESS
    username: YOUR_USERNAME
    password: YOUR_PASSWORD
      track_new_devices: true

The following optional parameters can be used with any platform:

Device tracker will only look for the following global settings under the configuration of the first configured platform:
Parameter Default Description
interval_seconds 12 Seconds between each scan for new devices. This only applies to local device trackers, not applications that push updates.
consider_home 180 Seconds to wait till marking someone as not home after not being seen. This parameter is most useful for households with Apple iOS devices that go into sleep mode while still at home to conserve battery life. iPhones will occasionally drop off the network and then re-appear. consider_home helps prevent false alarms in presence detection when using IP scanners such as Nmap. consider_home accepts various time representations, (e.g., the following all represents 3 minutes: 180, 0:03, 0:03:00)

Note that setting track_new_devices: false will still result in new devices being recorded in known_devices.yaml, but they won’t be tracked (track: false).

The extended example from above would look like the following sample:

# Example configuration.yaml entry for Netgear device
  - platform: netgear
    host: IP_ADDRESS
    username: YOUR_USERNAME
    interval_seconds: 10
    consider_home: 180
      track_new_devices: true

Multiple device trackers can be used in parallel, such as Owntracks and Nmap. The state of the device will be determined by the source that reported last.


As of 0.94 known_devices.yaml is being phased out and no longer used by all trackers. Depending on the integration you use this section may no longer apply. This includes OwnTracks, GeoFency, GPSLogger, Locative and Huawei LTE.

Once device_tracker is enabled, a file will be created in your configuration dir named known_devices.yaml. Edit this file to adjust which devices to be tracked.

Here’s an example configuration for a single device:

  name: Friendly Name
  mac: EA:AA:55:E7:C6:94
  track: true

In the example above, devicename refers to the detected name of the device. For example, with nmap, this will be the MAC address (with byte separators omitted).

Parameter Default Description
name Host name or “Unnamed Device” The friendly name of the device.
mac None The MAC address of the device. Add this if you are using a network device tracker like Nmap or SNMP.
picture None A picture that you can use to easily identify the person or device. You can also save the image file in a folder “www” in the same location (can be obtained from developer tools) where you have your configuration.yaml file and just use picture: /local/favicon-192x192.png. The path ‘local’ is mapped to the ‘www’ folder you create.
icon mdi:account An icon for this device (use as an alternative to picture).
gravatar None An email address for the device’s owner. If provided, it will override picture.
track [uses platform setting] If yes/on/true then the device will be tracked. Otherwise its location and state will not update.
consider_home [uses platform setting] Seconds to wait till marking someone as not home after not being seen. Allows you to override the global consider_home setting from the platform configuration on a per device level.

Device states

The state of your tracked device will be 'home' if it is in the home zone, detected by your network or Bluetooth based presence detection. If you’re using a presence detection method that includes coordinates then when it’s in a zone the state will be the name of the zone (case sensitive). When a device isn’t at home and isn’t in any zone, the state will be 'not_home'.

device_tracker.see service

The device_tracker.see service can be used to manually update the state of a device tracker:

Service data attribute Optional Description
dev_id no The object_id, for example tardis for device_tracker.tardis
location_name yes The location, home, not_home, or the name of the zone
host_name yes The hostname of the device tracker
mac yes The MAC address of the entity (only specify if you’re updating a network based tracker)
gps yes If you’re providing a location, for example [51.513845, -0.100539]
gps_accuracy yes The accuracy of the GPS fix
battery yes The battery level of the device