
This integration interacts with the Local API of Airzone HVAC zoning systems.

A typical Airzone device has a parent zone (Master Thermostat) per HVAC system, which is the only zone where the HVAC mode can be changed. The rest are child zones which can only enable or disable the HVAC and adjust the desired temperature on that specific zone.

Note that multiple HVAC systems can be connected to the same Airzone WebServer. In this case, there will be a parent zone per HVAC system and there may also be child zones for each HVAC system.


To add the Airzone integration to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button:

Airzone can be auto-discovered by Home Assistant. If an instance was found, it will be shown as Discovered. You can then set it up right away.


Network IP address


Network port


Airzone System ID (only needed if System ID 0 is not supported on your device)

Binary Sensors

For each Airzone system (HVAC machine), the following binary sensors are created:

Condition Description
problems System has errors or warnings.

For each Airzone zone (Thermostat), the following binary sensors are created:

Condition Description
air_demand HVAC is running.
battery_low Thermostat battery warning.
floor_demand Radiating floor is running.
problems Zone has errors or warnings.


For each Airzone zone (Thermostat) a climate entity is created.

HVAC mode can only be changed on a parent zone.

Child zones can only enable/disable the current HVAC mode selected on the corresponding parent zone. Attempting to change the HVAC mode on a child zone will result on a Home Assistant error.


For each Airzone zone (Thermostat), the following selects are created:

Condition Description
Cold Angle Grille angle for cooling.
Heat Angle Grille angle for heating.
Sleep Minutes for auto sleep.


For the Airzone WebServer, the following sensors are created:

Condition Description
rssi WiFi RSSI.

For each Airzone zone (Thermostat), the following sensors are created:

Condition Description
humidity Current zone relative humidity.
temperature Current zone temperature.