
FireServiceRota is a powerful and flexible availability, scheduling and dispatching system for firefighters. It’s the international brand of the Dutch BrandweerRooster, which is in use by more than 200 fire stations in The Netherlands.

The FireServiceRota integration provides you real-time information about incidents (emergency calls) from your local fire station and the ability to send a response depending on your duty schedule.

You will need a FireServiceRota or BrandweerRooster account.

A word of caution: Do not solely rely on this integration for your emergency calls!

This integration provides the following platforms:

  • Sensor: Incoming emergency calls. Metadata contains among other data the location of the incident and a text-to-speech URL. The integration uses a WebSocket client connection with the service to ensure a minimum delay.
  • Binary Sensor: Your current duty status (as scheduled via the FireServiceRota mobile app and/or website).
  • Switch: Enabled for 30 minutes after an emergency call. ‘on’ represents a confirmed response. Use this to automate your emergency call response and save valuable seconds.

On how to write automations using these platform read the ‘Advanced Configuration’ section below.


To add the FireServiceRota integration to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button:


The following entity types are created:

Incidents Sensor

This is the main entity of the integration containing the incident message as its value, it has several attributes which are described below.

Attribute Description
trigger Type of trigger, new or update.
state The state of the incident.
created_at Date and time when incident was created.
message_to_speech_url The URL of the mp3 file containing the spoken text of the incident.
prio Priority of the incident, a1, a2, b1 or b2.
type Type of incident, e.g. incident_alert.
responder_mode Modes of response, e.g. available_in_schedule_is_acknowledgment.
can_respond_until Date and time until response is accepted.
latitude The Latitude of the incident.
longitude The Longitude of the incident.
address_type Type of address, e.g. home.
formatted_address Address in string format.
task_ids ID(s) of appliance(s) or task(s).

Duty Binary Sensor

This entity reflects the duty you have scheduled, the value can be on = on duty, off = no duty. When you have no duty the response switch is disabled which means you cannot respond to a call.

Attribute Description
start_time Start date and time of duty schedule.
end_time End date and time of duty schedule.
available true or false.
active true or false.
assigned_function_ids Function id’s, e.g. 540.
skill_ids Skill id’s, e.g. 6, 8.
type Type, e.g. standby_duty.
assigned function Assigned function, e.g. Chauffeur.

Incident Response Switch

With this switch you can respond to an incident, either by manually controlling the switch via the GUI, or by using an automation action. It gets reset to unknown value with every incident received. Switching it to on means you send a response acknowledgement, switching it back off sends a response rejected.

The following attributes are available:

Attribute Description
user_name Your username.
assigned_skill_ids Assigned skill ID’s.
responded_at Time you responded.
start_time Incident response start time.
status Status of response, e.g., pending.
reported_status Reported status, e.g., shown_up.
arrived_at_station true or false.
available_at_incident_creation true or false.
active_duty_function_ids Active function ID’s, e.g., 540.

Advanced Configuration

With Automation you can configure one or more of the following useful actions:

  1. Sound an alarm and/or switch on lights when an emergency incident is received.
  2. Use text-to-speech to play incident details via a media player while getting dressed.
  3. Respond with a response acknowledgment using a door-sensor when leaving the house or by pressing a button to let your teammates know you are underway.
  4. Cast a FireServiceRota dashboard to a Chromecast device. (this requires a Nabu Casa subscription)

These are documented below.

Example Automation

  - alias: "Switch on a light when incident is received"
      platform: state
      entity_id: sensor.incidents
      service: light.turn_on
        entity_id: light.bedroom

  - alias: "Play TTS incident details when incident is received"
      platform: state
      entity_id: sensor.incidents
      attribute: message_to_speech_url
      - condition: not
          - condition: state
            entity_id: sensor.incidents
            attribute: message_to_speech_url
            state: None
      - service: media_player.play_media
          entity_id: media_player.nest_hub_bedroom
          media_content_id: >
              {{ state_attr('sensor.incidents','message_to_speech_url') }}
          media_content_type: "audio/mp4"

  - alias: "Send response acknowledgement when a button is pressed"
      platform: state
      entity_id: switch.response_button
      service: homeassistant.turn_on
        entity_id: switch.incident_response

  - alias: "Cast FireServiceRota dashboard to Nest Hub"
      platform: homeassistant
      event: start
      service: cast.show_lovelace_view
        entity_id: media_player.nest_hub_bedroom
        view_path: fsr

Example Dashboard

panel: true
title: Home
  - badges: []
      - entity: sensor.incidents
        type: entity
      - cards:
          - cards:
              - default_zoom: 15
                  - entity: sensor.incidents
                hours_to_show: 0
                type: map
            type: vertical-stack
          - cards:
              - entities:
                  - entity: sensor.incidents
                hours_to_show: 1
                refresh_interval: 0
                type: history-graph
            type: vertical-stack
        type: horizontal-stack
      - content: |
          {{ states('sensor.incidents') }}
        title: Incident
        type: markdown
      - entities:
          - entity: binary_sensor.duty
          - entity: switch.incident_response
        type: entities
    path: fsr
    title: FireServiceRota
    type: horizontal-stack


Example of a FireServiceRota dashboard

This screenshot shows what a FireServiceRota dashboard can look like.


The FireServiceRota integration will log additional information about WebSocket incidents received, response and duty status gathered, and other messages when the log level is set to debug. Add the relevant lines below to the configuration.yaml:

  default: info
    homeassistant.components.fireservicerota: debug
    pyfireservicerota: debug