Legrand Home+ Control

The Home+ Control integration platform allows you to control a range of Legrand in-wall switches and power outlets that have smart home functionality thanks to their “with Netatmo” capabilities.

This integration works against the Home+ Control API, which is one of the many APIs offered through the Works with Legrand program. The API is capable of managing “Legrand/Btcino with Netatmo” devices, such as light switches, power outlets and rolling shutters.

The devices that this API can manage are offered in different designs across different countries. The details of these can be found here.

This Home+ Control integration for Home Assistant currently has support for the following devices:

  • Light switches
  • Power outlets

In both cases, the devices are modeled as on/off switches within Home Assistant.

This integration has been tested to work with the following range of Legrand products

  • Valena Next™ with Netatmo

This integration has also been tested to work with the following range of BTicino products

  • Living Now (Light switches)


Before you are able to configure the Legrand Home + Control integration into Home Assistant, you must register with the Works with Legrand platform.

These Legrand APIs rely on Oauth2 authentication, so you must follow these steps to obtain the necessary authentication parameters:

  1. Register an account at https://developer.legrand.com.
  2. Create a subscription to the Starter Kit (currently the only subscription available) and this will generate your SUBSCRIPTION_KEY.
  3. Register an application, where you will have to define a name, a redirect URL and the scopes of your application. When selecting the scopes, be sure to include all of the .read scopes, as well as the light.write and plug.write scopes to be able to control these modules from the integration.

Once the registered application is confirmed, you should receive an email containing the CLIENT_IDENTIFIER and the CLIENT_SECRET which you will be using to set up the authentication flows. The application confirmation email is usually received within a few hours of having issued the request.

Finally, to set up Oauth2 authentication in Home Assistant you should add the following information to your configuration.yaml file:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  client_secret: CLIENT_SECRET
  subscription_key: SUBSCRIPTION_KEY

Configuration Variables

client_id string Required

Client identifier for your registered application on the Works with Legrand platform. Received via email.

client_secret string Required

Client secret for your registered application on the Works with Legrand platform. Received via email.

subscription_key string Required

Subscription identifier for your registered account on the Works with Legrand platform. Provided upon registration.

Restart Home Assistant after changing the YAML configuration. At this point, you are now ready to add the Home+ Control integration to your Home Assistant instance as described in the Configuration section.


To add the Legrand Home+ Control integration to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button:

API Nomenclature

Within the context of the Home+ Control API you may come across the following terms:

  • Plant: This is the term used to represent a home that holds the Legrand devices. In practice, a plant is represented by the Legrand Home+ Control gateway that acts as the central hub of the rest of the devices in the home network (uses Zigbee).
  • Module: This is the term used to represent a generic device within the plant, i.e., a light, a plug, a remote, etc.
  • Light: This is the term used to represent a light switch (or a micro-module). It is not modeled as your usual light entity because there are no brightness, color, etc. controls. It is modeled as an on/off switch.
  • Plug: This is the term used to represent a power outlet.

Other devices that are mentioned in the API, but that are not currently supported by this integration are: remotes (wireless switches), heaters and automations.

API Limitations

As described in the authentication section, this integration requires you to set up a subscription in the Works with Legrand platform.

Currently, end-users only have access to the Starter Kit subscription which has a major limitation in the number of allowed API requests that are allowed - only 500 API calls per day (counter is reset at 00:00 every day). If this daily quota is ever exceeded, the API will report 403 Forbidden HTTP responses.