
Keeps track which locks are in your environment, their state and allows you to control them.

  • Maintains a state per lock and a combined state all_locks.
  • Registers services lock.lock, lock.unlock and lock.open (unlatch) to control locks.


A lock integration provides the following services:

Service lock.lock

Lock your door, the attribute should appear under a ‘data’ attribute for the service.

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id no Entity of the relevant lock.
  service: lock.lock
    entity_id: lock.my_place

Service lock.unlock

Unlock your door, the attribute should appear under a ‘data’ attribute for the service.

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id no Entity of the relevant lock.
  service: lock.unlock
    entity_id: lock.my_place

Use the services

Go to the Developer Tools, then to Call Service in the frontend, and choose lock.lock, lock.unlock or lock.open from the list of available services (Services: on the left). Enter something like the sample below into the Service Data field and hit CALL SERVICE.

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes Only act on specific lock. Use entity_id: all to target all.