Media Player

Interacts with media players on your network.


Media control services

Available services: turn_on, turn_off, toggle, volume_up, volume_down, volume_set, volume_mute, media_play_pause, media_play, media_pause, media_stop, media_next_track, media_previous_track, clear_playlist, shuffle_set, repeat_set, play_media, select_source, select_sound_mode, join, unjoin

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes Target a specific media player. To target all media players, use all.

Service media_player.volume_mute

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes Target a specific media player. To target all media players, use all.
is_volume_muted no True/false for mute/unmute

Service media_player.volume_set

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes Target a specific media player. To target all media players, use all.
volume_level no Float for volume level. Range 0..1

Service media_player.media_seek

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes Target a specific media player. To target all media players, use all.
seek_position no Position to seek to. The format is platform dependent.

Service media_player.play_media

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes Target a specific media player. To target all media players, use all.
media_content_id no A media identifier. The format of this is integration dependent. For example, you can provide URLs to Sonos and Cast but only a playlist ID to iTunes.
media_content_type no A media type. Must be one of music, tvshow, video, episode, channel or playlist. For example, to play music you would set media_content_type to music.
enqueue yes How the new media should interact with the queue. Must be one of add, next, play, replace. If the media player doesn’t support this feature, the new media will play and the enqueue directive is ignored.
announce yes Set to true to request the media player to temporarily stop playing media to announce this media and then resume. If the media player doesn’t support this feature, the announcement will play but the media player and will not resume playing the interrupted media once the announcement finishes.
extra yes Extra dictionary data to send, e.g., title, thumbnail. Possible values can be found below.
Extra dictionary data

Configuration Variables

title string (Optional)

Title of the media.

thumb string (Optional)

Thumbnail image URL.

current_time float (Optional)

Seconds since the beginning of the content. If the content is live content, and the position is not specified, the stream will start at the live position.

autoplay boolean (Optional, default: true)

Whether the media will automatically play.

stream_type string (Optional)

Describes the type of media artifact as one of the following: NONE, BUFFERED, LIVE.

subtitles string (Optional)

URL of subtitle file to be shown on chromecast.

subtitles_lang string (Optional)

Language for subtitles.

subtitles_mime string (Optional)

Mimetype of subtitles.

subtitle_id integer (Optional)

ID of subtitle to be loaded.

enqueue boolean (Optional, default: false)

If True, enqueue the media instead of play it.

media_info map (Optional)

Additional MediaInformation attributes not explicitly listed.

metadata map (Optional)

Media metadata object, one of the following: GenericMediaMetadata, MovieMediaMetadata, TvShowMediaMetadata, MusicTrackMediaMetadata, PhotoMediaMetadata.


Example of calling media_player service with title and image set:

service: media_player.play_media
  entity_id: media_player.chromecast
  media_content_type: music
  media_content_id: ""
    thumb: ""
    title: HomeAssistantRadio

Service media_player.select_source

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes Target a specific media player. To target all media players, use all.
source no Name of the source to switch to. Platform dependent.

Service media_player.select_sound_mode

Currently only supported on Denon AVR and Songpal.

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes Target a specific media player. For example media_player.marantz
sound_mode no Name of the sound mode to switch to. Platform dependent.

Service media_player.shuffle_set

Currently only supported on Sonos, Spotify, MPD, Kodi, Roon, OwnTone, Squeezebox and Universal.

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes Target a specific media player. For example media_player.spotify
shuffle no true/false for enabling/disabling shuffle

Service media_player.repeat_set

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes Target a specific media player. For example
repeat no off/all/one for setting repeat mode

Service media_player.join

Allows to group media players together for synchronous playback. Only works on supported multiroom audio systems.

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes The media player entity whose playback will be expanded to the players specified in group_members.
group_members no The player entities which will be synced with the playback from entity_id.

Service media_player.unjoin

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes Unjoin this media player from any player groups.

Device Class

The way media players are displayed in the frontend can be modified in the customize section. The following device classes are supported for media players:

  • tv: Device is a television type device.
  • speaker: Device is speaker or stereo type device.
  • receiver: Device is audio video receiver type device taking audio and outputting to speakers and video to some display.