Trafikverket Weather Station
Showing weather information provided by Trafikverket weather stations in Sweden.
Potential use cases
- Get weather data in general.
- You live near a weather station and want to know the current weather conditions at home.
- Setup automations for your car heating system. If the road is frozen along the way to work, you might want the car heating system to start earlier.
Please click here and register to obtain the API key.
To add the Trafikverket Weather Station integration to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button:
If the above My button doesn’t work, you can also perform the following steps manually:
Browse to your Home Assistant instance.
In the bottom right corner, select the Add Integration button.
From the list, select Trafikverket Weather Station.
Follow the instructions on screen to complete the setup.
Entities provided by the integration
- Air temperature.
- Road temperature.
- Relative humidity.
- Type of precipitation (Swedish text).
- Wind direction in degrees.
- Rough wind direction in twelve variants (Swedish text).
- Average wind speed during the last 10 minutes.
- Maximum wind speed measured during the last 30 minutes.
- Amount of precipitation.
- Amount of precipitation in thirteen variants (Swedish text).
Weather stations
Click here to get a map of valid weather stations. Once a station is found, copy the name according to the below picture and paste it in your configuration.yaml
file as the station