2020.12: Automate with Blueprints!
Welcome to Home Assistant Core 2020.12!
You are looking at our new versioning schema. From now on, the Home Assistant Core will be using calendar versioning, consisting of the year, month and a patch number to indicate a bug-fix release. This also means our release schedule is changing. Home Assistant Core will now be released every first Wednesday of the month!
As most things are announced at the Home Assistant Conference; more things will be added/tweaked in these release notes the next couple of days.
For me, this has been an exciting year! And thanks everybody for contributing to this amazing project, no matter what and how you contributed. You are all amazing! ❤️
With the Holiday season coming, it is time to slow down a bit, enjoy time with our family. And in a couple of weeks, a new year will start; Let’s make it a good one!
Happy holidays, stay safe and for the last time this year: Enjoy the release!
- Blueprints
- New neural voices for Nabu Casa Cloud TTS
- Assign areas to entities and readable area IDs
- Temporarily disable devices
- Other noteworthy changes
- New Integrations
- New Platforms
- Integrations now available to set up from the UI
- Release 2020.12.1 - December 16
- Release 2020.12.2 - December 30
- If you need help…
- Breaking Changes
- Farewell to the following
- All changes
Say hello; to the major new feature of Home Assistant 2020.12: Blueprints!
Screenshot of the blueprints configuration panel.
An automation blueprint is a pre-created automation with user-settable options. This allows for a separation of the logic and inputs of an automation. It sounds a bit complicated, but as a matter of fact, it will make things re-usable and easier.
Imagine a blueprint that controls a light based on motion, that allows you to configure the motion sensor to trigger on, and the light to control.
It is now possible to create two automations that each have their own configuration for this blueprint and act completely independently, yet are based on the same automation configuration.
Sharing blueprints
Blueprints are great for sharing your automations and ideas with the community.
We created a Blueprint Exchange forum category where you can post your created blueprints. For others to use!
We believe that the power of blueprint relies in sharing. You can now share complex automations that others can use, even if they are using the UI editors.
For example, a blueprint can be shared for a specific Zigbee remote control that maps all buttons to a light. A blueprint that sends a notification when it found empty batteries. A blueprint for muting music when you pick up your Android phone.
The sky is the limit in the ideas and automations blueprints we can share!
Using blueprints
Let’s cut a long story short, it sounds exciting, but what does it mean?
You can import blueprints by copying the URL of the forum topic or from GitHub into the UI. Then you can create automations from these blueprints by filling out the required inputs.
Screenshot of a blueprint.
It is really easy to deploy a blueprint, even multiple times! Blueprints are fully functional in both the UI and for YAML.
Creating blueprints
We created a really nice tutorial on how to make blueprints.
Essentially, a blueprint is just like an automation, with some added blueprint metadata. You can convert any existing automation into a blueprint!
As the last step, be sure to share your freshly created blueprint on the community on the Blueprint Exchange, helping and and inspiring others.
New neural voices for Nabu Casa Cloud TTS
If you have a Nabu Casa Home Assistant Cloud subscription, this release brings in some really nice goodness for you. The text-to-speech service offered by Nabu Casa has been extended and now supports a lot of new voices in many different languages.
This is a great alternative to, for example, the Google TTS integration. The resulting audio is absolutely stunning and the neural voices sound supernatural.
This service is automatically enabled when you are signed in to your
Nabu Casa cloud account and can be called using the tts.cloud_say
service in your automations.
For example:
service: tts.cloud_say
entity_id: media_player.family_room_speaker
message: These new voices sound absolutely stunning!
gender: female
language: en-US
Assign areas to entities and readable area IDs
Areas have been around for a bit already. But, not everything supports areas yet. And using it in for example YAML-based automations, is not really an easy task to do.
Today that changes, as this release works towards making areas more useful by making them more accessible and more universal.
The first change: individual entities can now be assigned to areas.
Previously this was limited to devices only. This also works for entities without a device (for example, entities provided by Helpers). Devices provide entities, and thus it is now possible to override the area with a single entity for a device as well. For example, your in-wall mounted switch controls a light in another room.
Screenshot of assigning a entity to an area.
Second improvement: The ID of a newly created area will now be based on the name of the area instead of a random string.
This makes it easier to use areas in service calls, as you can now use area identifiers that actually make sense for a human! In a YAML automation or script it will look like this:
- service: light.turn_on
area_id: living_room
To find the area ID for the area you want to target, go to the Configuration Panel, and edit the area you want to target. In area edit dialog, the ID is shown.
Temporarily disable devices
Do you have your Christmas tree set up in Home Assistant? After the Holidays are over, you store all those decorations for the next season. But what about those devices in Home Assistant?
Thanks to @emontnemery, you can now disable devices in Home Assistant. So, next year, when you unpack all decorations, enable them again and you’re ready to go for another Holiday season!
Screenshot of disabling a device.
Of course, besides seasonal things, it can also be helpful if you have a broken device or temporarily taking down any other device.
Other noteworthy changes
- The Apple TV integration now supports tvOS version 13 and above and can be setup from the UI, thanks @postlund!
- @thecode has been busy with the Shelly integration and added support for inputs, so you can now use the Shelly i3 and Shelly’s in detached state.
- Thanks to @adrum, the HomeKit controller integration now has support for (de)humidifiers.
- deCONZ now supports tilt on covers, and preset and fan for climate devices, thanks @Kane610!
- @frenck added support for setting the repeat mode to the Spotify integration.
- The Nest integration now supports camera and doorbell events, thanks @allenporter!
- Changes made to your KNX integration’s YAML configuration, can now be reloaded without restarting Home Assistant. Thanks @spacegaier!
- The number formatting in the frontend is more consistent, thanks to @joshmcrty!
- @dmulcahey has been improving the user experience of ZHA. The feedback when pairing a new Zigbee device in the frontend is improved, discovered devices are shown earlier with their progress, and the ZHA configuration panel now has a Zigbee network visualization tab! This allows you to see your network and find connection issues.
- The rest integration can now handle request parameters, nicely done @boxcee!
- Learn new RF commands using a Broadlink remote! Thanks, @felipediel!
@mLupine extended templated binary sensors and these now support templating
New Integrations
We welcome the following new integrations this release:
- FireServiceRota, added by @cyberjunky
- Kuler Sky, added by @emlove
- Motion Blinds, added by @starkillerOG
- SRP Energy, added by @briglx
- Twinkly, added by @dr1rrb
New Platforms
The following integration got support for a new platform:
- HomeKit Controller now has initial support for cameras, added by @Jc2k
- @emontnemery has added support for fans and covers to the Tasmota integration
- MQTT added support for scenes, added by @kiall
Integrations now available to set up from the UI
The following integrations are now available via the Home Assistant UI:
- Aurora, done by @djtimca
- Recollect Waste, done by @bachya
Release 2020.12.1 - December 16
- Bump envoy_reader version to 0.17.3 (@gtdiehl - #44205) (enphase_envoy docs)
- Bump dsmr-parser to 0.25 (@RobBie1221 - #44223) (dsmr docs)
- Fix unhandled KeyError in Recollect Waste (@bachya - #44224) (recollect_waste docs)
- Bump hatasmota to 0.1.6 (@emontnemery - #44226) (tasmota docs)
- Remove Home Assistant Cast user when removing entry (@emontnemery - #44228) (cast docs)
- Default smartenergy multiplier and divisor (@dmulcahey - #44257) (zha docs)
- Fix setting timestamp on input_datetime (@balloob - #44274) (input_datetime docs)
- Fix Shelly devices missing properties field (@thecode - #44279) (shelly docs)
Release 2020.12.2 - December 30
- Bump HAP-python to 3.1.0 (@bdraco - #44176) (homekit docs)
- Update denonavr to 0.9.8 (@scarface-4711 - #44194) (denonavr docs)
- Bump pyroon to 0.0.28 (@pavoni - #44302) (roon docs)
- Fix velux homekit covers not enumerated correctly (@Jc2k - #44318) (homekit_controller docs)
- Bump pyMyQ to version 2.0.12 (@ehendrix23 - #44328) (myq docs)
- Update pytradfri to 7.0.5 (@rubenbe - #44347)
- Bump pyiqvia to 0.3.1 (@bachya - #44358) (iqvia docs)
- Fix bug in unloading RainMachine options listener (@bachya - #44359) (rainmachine docs)
- Fix Volumio pause with missing track type (@OnFreund - #44447) (volumio docs)
- Fix falsey comparisons in NWS weather (@MatthewFlamm - #44486) (nws docs)
- Bump pydeconz to version 77 (@Kane610 - #44514) (deconz docs)
- Fix Tasmota device triggers (@emontnemery - #44574) (tasmota docs)
- Fix template triggers from time events (@bdraco - #44603) (template docs)
- Bump env_canada to 0.2.5 (@michaeldavie - #44631) (environment_canada docs)
- Bump pycarwings2 to 2.10 (@filcole - #44634) (nissan_leaf docs)
If you need help…
…don’t hesitate to use our very active forums or join us for a little chat.
Experiencing issues introduced by this release? Please report them in our issue tracker. Make sure to fill in all fields of the issue template.
Breaking Changes
Below is a listing of the breaking change for this release, per subject or integration. Click on one of those to read more about the breaking change for that specific item.
Configuring Aurora sensor via YAML has been removed (it was non-functional already). The Aurora integration can now be configured via the UI.
(@djtimca - #43045) (aurora docs)
Certificate Expiry
In order to optimize stability and performance of Home Assistant, time based sensors should use only absolute time values (store the date of the event) and not relative time values (seconds from event), so the value doesn’t change each second.
The Certificate Expiry integration has both of them, so to adhere to Home Assistant architectural design rules, the offending relative time sensor is now removed.
If your configuration was based on the relative time sensor, please switch to the other one.
Per ADR-0010, this release deprecates YAML configuration for the Solar-log integration. If you already use the Solar-log integration you do not need to take action, as your configuration has already been imported into the UI.
(@Ernst79 - #43484) (solarlog docs)
The logic operation sensor states are renamed from (not
, or
, and
) to
, some
, all
The renaming is more consistent with the LCN naming convention. When using the states in an automation ensure they are correctly renamed.
(@alengwenus - #43710) (lcn docs)
In order to optimize stability and performance of Home Assistant, sensors should use only absolute time values (store the date of the event) and not relative time values (seconds from event) so the value doesn’t change each second.
The Uptime integration is one leftover, so to adhere to Home Assistant architectural design rules, the sensor is now changed to a timestamp.
As a side effect of this change, the unit_of_measurement
option of this
integration is now deprecated and can be removed from your configuration if
you used that.
Please review your Automations and Lovelace configuration to reflect this change.
(@chemelli74 - #43623) (uptime docs)
Keyring & Credstash
Support for storing secrets in Credstash and Keyring is deprecated and will be removed in March 2021.
Apple TV
The Apple TV integration has been completely rewritten. Support for YAML is removed, so old configuration must be removed and devices re-added via the integrations page.
Furthermore, the old services apple_tv.apple_tv_authenticate
are deprecated and replaced by the configration flow.
(@postlund - #31952) (apple_tv docs)
Telegram Bot
The telegram bot integration now allows/accepts messages when either the allowed group (Chat ID) OR the User ID of the sender matches.
This is a different behavior compared to before as before both Group (Chat ID) AND User ID needed to be allowed. This allows members of a group to talk to the bot, even if they are not specifically listed as a user.
If you use Telegram groups, make sure you adjust your configuration accordingly.
(@wicol - #43241) (telegram_bot docs)
Farewell to the following
The following integrations have been removed:
- Salt Fiber Box (@MartinHjelmare - #43452)
- Ubee Router (@frenck - #43809)
- Yessssms (@flowolf - #43200)
These integrations where using webscraping, which is no longer allowed.
All changes
Click to see all changes!
- Add initial rest query params (@boxcee - #42198) (pvoutput docs) (rest docs) (scrape docs)
- Simplify distance conversion (@springstan - #43107)
- Add Shelly support for REST sensors (@chemelli74 - #40429) (shelly docs)
- Fix Aurora integration including externalizing API to PyPi and adding config_flow (@djtimca - #43045) (aurora docs) (breaking-change)
- Add save and delete WS commands to blueprints (@bramkragten - #42907) (blueprint docs)
- Add Shelly totalWorkTime as Lamp life (Shelly Air) (@chemelli74 - #43112) (shelly docs)
- Add a config flow for Recollect Waste (@bachya - #43063) (recollect_waste docs)
- Add support for multiple event triggers in automation (@frenck - #43097) (homeassistant docs)
- Fix aurora config flow tests (@MartinHjelmare - #43128) (aurora docs)
- Add reload support to KNX (@spacegaier - #42429) (knx docs)
- Revert “shelly_naming” rebase errors (@thecode - #43134) (shelly docs)
- Add VSCode debug launch conf (@balloob - #43130)
- Add support for learning RF commands with Broadlink remotes (@felipediel - #39671) (broadlink docs) (remote docs)
- Shelly: minor improvements (@chemelli74 - #43138) (shelly docs)
- Mock time_date sensor tests (@amelchio - #43141) (time_date docs)
- Fix beat calculation (@amelchio - #43142) (time_date docs)
- Further improve MFI tests (@balloob - #43167)
- Remove relative time sensor from cert_expiry (@chemelli74 - #42338) (cert_expiry docs) (breaking-change)
- Fix time_date timestamp offsets (@amelchio - #43165) (time_date docs)
- Improve entity domain validator (@balloob - #43164)
- Fix time_date interval for DST (@amelchio - #43166) (time_date docs)
- Add test to access current request in websocket API (@balloob - #43133) (websocket_api docs)
- Add log message server startup (@balloob - #43177) (http docs)
- Upgrade sentry-sdk to 0.19.3 (@frenck - #43176) (sentry docs)
- Rewrite google_wifi unittest tests to pytest style (@Danielinte - #42030) (google_wifi docs)
- Copy default vscode settings during bootstrap (@MartinHjelmare - #43180)
- Update ozw get_config_parameter websocket response (@cgarwood - #43058) (ozw docs)
- Hide cancelled trips from being displayed in vasttrafik integration (@ttuffin - #43184) (vasttrafik docs)
- Fix automation in packages (@balloob - #43202) (automation docs)
- Add support for selectors in services.yaml (@balloob - #43162) (blueprint docs) (sonos docs)
- Update fitbit battery status (@czechmark - #42980) (fitbit docs)
- Add quarter-hour period feature for utility_meter component (@thomasdelaet - #41999) (utility_meter docs)
- Add initial camera support to homekit_controller (@Jc2k - #43100) (homekit_controller docs) (new-platform)
- Add support for Broadlink BG1 devices (@b4dpxl - #42314) (broadlink docs)
- Add HomeKit humidifier/dehumidifier (@adrum - #42311) (homekit_controller docs)
- Upgrade youtube_dl to version 2020.11.12 (@BKPepe - #43231) (media_extractor docs)
- Switch ios to dispatching instead of polling (@bdraco - #43233) (ios docs)
- Bump pyheos to 0.7.2 (@andrewsayre - #43239) (heos docs)
- Bypass the slow update warning for group updates (@bdraco - #43209) (group docs)
- Eliminate doorbird switch polling (@bdraco - #43215) (doorbird docs)
- Bump pysmartthings and pysmartapp (@andrewsayre - #43240) (smartthings docs)
- Refactor ZHA light initialization (@Adminiuga - #43149) (zha docs)
- Remove yessssms integration (@flowolf - #43200)
- Set should_poll for zone entities (@bdraco - #43212) (zone docs)
- Support gas meter capability for smartthings (@javache - #41310) (smartthings docs)
- Add dsmr_reader telegram timestamp and device classes (@tim427 - #42909) (dsmr_reader docs)
- Convert most esphome state updates to callbacks (@bdraco - #43246) (esphome docs)
- Add tests for browse media image proxy (@ctalkington - #43076) (media_player docs)
- Apply suggestions from #42697 to synology_dsm (@mib1185 - #43197) (synology_dsm docs)
- Avoid creating battery sensor if Shelly device is external powered (@chemelli74 - #43243) (shelly docs)
- Rewrite ecobee unittest tests to pytest (@adriansuwala - #42584) (ecobee docs)
- Bump python-miio and construct version (@syssi - #43267) (eddystone_temperature docs) (eq3btsmart docs) (xiaomi_miio docs)
- Xiaomi Device Tracker - Move “Refreshing device list” to debug (@GuyKh - #43276) (xiaomi docs)
- Bump actions/upload-artifact from v2.2.0 to v2.2.1 (dependabot - #43272)
- Bump Pywemo to 0.5.3 (@pavoni - #43263) (wemo docs)
- Automatically clean up executor as part of closing loop (@balloob - #43284)
- Convert core tests to async (@balloob - #43287)
- Bump PyEssent to 0.14 (@TheLastProject - #43282) (essent docs)
- Refactor how entities are created for homekit_controller services (@Jc2k - #43242) (homekit_controller docs)
- Add notification binary_sensor to Plugwise integration (@CoMPaTech - #41473) (plugwise docs)
- Update directv to 0.4.0 (@ctalkington - #43302) (directv docs) (directv docs)
- Improvement to allow parsing of station ID in vasttrafik integration. Addresses #34851 (@ttuffin - #43136) (vasttrafik docs)
- Bump codecov/codecov-action from v1.0.14 to v1.0.15 (dependabot - #43304)
- Add progress translation key to hassfest (@MartinHjelmare - #43311)
- Update cloud integration to 0.38.0 (@klaasnicolaas - #43314) (cloud docs)
- Add an option to template delay_on/off in template binary sensor (@mLupine - #43259) (template docs)
- Fix kodi media_player unavailable at start (@mvn23 - #41714) (kodi docs)
- Improve Google Assistant cover assumed state handling (@elupus - #43255) (google_assistant docs)
- Add TV channel name to smartthings integration (@Alex-Klein - #41729) (smartthings docs)
- Tweak OZW Light discovery (@firstof9 - #43325) (ozw docs)
- Refactor ZHA tests to allow attribute reads during device initialization (@Adminiuga - #43357) (zha docs)
- Update Zha dependencies (@Adminiuga - #43373) (zha docs)
- Refactor ZHA sensor initialization (@Adminiuga - #43339) (zha docs)
- Update denonavr to 0.9.6 (@scarface-4711 - #43370) (denonavr docs)
- Add shelly installed firmware info (@chemelli74 - #43221) (shelly docs)
- Support for Shelly Binary Input Sensors (@thecode - #43313) (shelly docs)
- Reword numeric_state trigger (@amelchio - #43367) (homeassistant docs)
- Raise in base implementation of FanEntity.oscillate (@emontnemery - #43354) (fan docs)
- Improve nest SDM integration error handling (@allenporter - #43271) (nest docs)
- Update ovoenergy to v1.1.11 (@timmo001 - #43391) (ovo_energy docs)
- Fix selector to return the selector type (@bramkragten - #43395)
- Add twinkly integration (@dr1rrb - #42103) (twinkly docs) (new-integration)
- Add new air-humidifier device CA4 with miot protocol (@Toxblh - #39398) (xiaomi_miio docs)
- Check config to use config platforms (@balloob - #43407)
- Update pymyq to 2.0.10 (@ehendrix23 - #43413) (myq docs)
- Update python-awair to 0.2.1 (@ahayworth - #43415) (awair docs)
- Add Srp energy component (@briglx - #41091) (srp_energy docs) (new-integration)
- Update Alexa supported languages (@100ferhas - #43139) (alexa docs)
- Support openRelativePercent for google assistant covers (@elupus - #43336) (google_assistant docs)
- Add support for checking minimum HA version (@balloob - #43350) (blueprint docs)
- Provide HA username via auth WS (@spacegaier - #43283) (config docs)
- Verify that we register blueprints on automation setup (@balloob - #43434) (automation docs) (blueprint docs)
- Update dsmr_parser to 0.23 (@RobBie1221 - #43403) (dsmr docs)
- Upgrade Beewi Smartclim component to 0.0.10 (@alemuro - #43441) (beewi_smartclim docs)
- Fix empty local_ip config flow (@spacegaier - #43333) (local_ip docs)
- Use weather attribute conditions constants (@springstan - #39945)
- Move Flo logger to a package logger (@bachya - #43449) (flo docs)
- Move Ambient PWS logger to a package logger (@bachya - #43448) (ambient_station docs)
- Move legacy device tracker setup to legacy module (@MartinHjelmare - #43447) (device_tracker docs)
- Remove salt integration for webscraping (@MartinHjelmare - #43452) (breaking-change)
- Move Notion logger to a package logger (@bachya - #43450) (notion docs)
- Add ONVIF PTZ Stop support (@scop - #39734) (onvif docs)
- Remove zigpy monkey patching (@Adminiuga - #43456) (zha docs)
- Change Plugwise integration to plugwise module (@CoMPaTech - #43036) (plugwise docs)
- Avoid arbitrarily reducing ZHA climate temperature information (@FrnchFrgg - #43442) (zha docs)
- Bump acmeda dependency aiopulse to 0.4.2 (@atmurray - #43217) (acmeda docs)
- Fix ConnectTimeout during wolflink start (@adamkrol93 - #43418) (wolflink docs)
- Add reauth support for OVO Energy (@timmo001 - #38882) (ovo_energy docs)
- Upgrade debugpy to 1.2.0 (@frenck - #43328) (debugpy docs)
- Add repeat mode support to Spotify (@frenck - #43247) (spotify docs)
- Fix Luftdaten.info data retrieval (@FlavorFx - #43471) (luftdaten docs)
- Support for multiple states in history_stats (@iprak - #43416) (history_stats docs)
- Upgrade discord.py to 1.5.1 (@LordBoos - #43473)
- Bump rpi-bad-power to 0.1.0 (@shenxn - #43476) (rpi_power docs)
- Deprecate YAML config for Solar-log (@Ernst79 - #43484) (solarlog docs) (breaking-change)
- Add updated British Voices (@CrashWorksLLC - #43496) (watson_tts docs)
- Clean up Solar-log review comments (@frenck - #43503) (solarlog docs)
- Optimize Sonos queue position (@amelchio - #43514) (sonos docs)
- Re-organize OpenUV constants (@bachya - #43453) (openuv docs)
- Bump envoy version to 0.17.0 (@gtdiehl - #43498) (enphase_envoy docs)
- Optimize Sonos favorites updates (@amelchio - #43516) (sonos docs)
- Add seek support to plex media players (@shocklateboy92 - #43420) (plex docs)
- Clean up RainMachine config entry (@bachya - #43508) (rainmachine docs)
- Add vendor effects to Yeelight integration (@danielrheinbay - #42711) (yeelight docs)
- Optimize Sonos current playing state (@amelchio - #43517) (sonos docs)
- Make Brother uptime sensor disabled by default (@bieniu - #43478) (brother docs)
- Add device id to deconz_event (@Kane610 - #43552) (deconz docs)
- Bump actions/stale from v3.0.13 to v3.0.14 (dependabot - #43551)
- Update Blinkpy to fix non-updating blink mini cameras (@fronzbot - #43549) (blink docs)
- Optimize reading of Sonos source mode (@amelchio - #43541) (sonos docs)
- Mill Heater: Add support for Energy consumption (@Danielhiversen - #43523) (mill docs)
- Track deCONZ lib changes to light based devices (@Kane610 - #43366) (deconz docs)
- update solax to 0.2.5 (@squishykid - #43564) (solax docs)
- Upgrade sentry-sdk to 0.19.4 (@frenck - #43504) (sentry docs)
- Update denonavr to 0.9.7 (@scarface-4711 - #43546) (denonavr docs)
- Fix RTS cover with set position available (@tetienne - #43555) (somfy docs)
- Add codeowner to Enphase Envoy manifest (@gtdiehl - #43402) (enphase_envoy docs)
- Add webhook to default config (@frenck - #43521) (default_config docs)
- Cannot use vcgencmd in HassOS (@denics - #42710) (sensehat docs)
- Add Motion Blinds integration (@starkillerOG - #42989) (motion_blinds docs) (new-integration)
- Use references in config flow for solaredge (@Cereal2nd - #43511) (solaredge docs)
- Bump version to 0.119.0dev0 (@frenck - #43485)
- Decrease asuswrt connects per sensor (@JJdeVries - #43383) (asuswrt docs)
- Fix warning generated by surpetcare test (@balloob - #43598) (surepetcare docs)
- Fix conversion of cover position between HASS and deCONZ (@Kane610 - #43602) (deconz docs)
- Update nest library and switch events to async (@allenporter - #43583) (nest docs)
- Add unknown_authorize_url_generation to base strings for config flows (@springstan - #42484) (nest docs) (point docs) (tellduslive docs) (toon docs)
- Bump hatasmota to 0.1.1 (@emontnemery - #43608) (tasmota docs)
- Fix Meraki API Auth (@koolsb - #43578) (meraki docs)
- Upgrade foobot_async to 1.0.0 (@balloob - #43611) (foobot docs)
- Add tilt support to deCONZ covers (@Kane610 - #43607) (deconz docs)
- update xknx to 0.15.4 (@farmio - #43536) (knx docs)
- Add nest SDM API camera/doorbell events (@allenporter - #42700) (nest docs)
- Bump pyhs100 dependency to fix hs220 discoverability issues (@rytilahti - #43619) (tplink docs)
- Bump ha-ffmpeg to 3.0.2 (@balloob - #43597)
- Add default config if not there (@balloob - #43321)
- Support for Shelly Input Events (@thecode - #43479) (shelly docs)
- Add Shelly UNI ADC sensor (@chemelli74 - #43490) (shelly docs)
- Add FireServiceRota/BrandweerRooster integration (@cyberjunky - #38206) (fireservicerota docs) (new-integration)
- Fix flapping derivative tests where time would move between state changes (@elupus - #43579) (derivative docs)
- Add Tasmota fan (@emontnemery - #43353) (tasmota docs) (new-platform)
- Add Tasmota cover (@emontnemery - #43368) (tasmota docs) (new-platform)
- Add more selectors (@bramkragten - #43639) (input_number docs)
- Add default to inputs (@bramkragten - #43636) (blueprint docs)
- Add location to summary sensor attributes (@ofalvai - #43641) (seventeentrack docs)
- Suggest folder when importing blueprint and store source_url (@balloob - #43650) (blueprint docs)
- Add Duty binary_sensor platform to FireServiceRota integration (@cyberjunky - #43638) (fireservicerota docs) (new-platform)
- Add area selector, remove date selector (@bramkragten - #43658)
- Allow importing gist (@balloob - #43659) (blueprint docs)
- Support disabling devices (@emontnemery - #43293) (config docs)
- Add Roomba support for automatic emptying of bin (@jasperslits - #43594) (roomba docs)
- Make input_datetime better handle timezones (@balloob - #43396) (input_datetime docs)
- Fix check config (@balloob - #43663) (blueprint docs)
- Fix MQTT threading bug (@emontnemery - #43667) (mqtt docs)
- Upgrade pre-commit to 2.9.2 (@frenck - #43655)
- Small cleanup of Tasmota (@emontnemery - #43642) (tasmota docs)
- Updated frontend to 20201126.0 (@bramkragten - #43682) (frontend docs)
- Met.no: Fix for zero temp entries (@thimic - #43684) (met docs)
- OAuth2 to use current request header (@balloob - #43668) (toon docs)
- Exclude disabled entities from async_entries_for_device (@emontnemery - #43665) (deconz docs) (mqtt docs) (tasmota docs) (tuya docs) (unifi docs) (zha docs)
- Add option to deactivate a user (@spacegaier - #43463) (config docs)
- Bugfix schedule assigned to wrong day of week (@zxdavb - #43676) (evohome docs)
- Code quality improvement for evohome (@zxdavb - #43678) (evohome docs)
- Fix Shelly uptime sensor (@thecode - #43651) (shelly docs)
- Convert API integration to async setup (@balloob - #43685) (api docs)
- Eliminate evohome unhandled exceptions when client API call fails (@zxdavb - #43681) (evohome docs)
- Maybe fix flaky test (@balloob - #43690) (shelly docs)
- Stub finding custom integrations in tests (@balloob - #43692)
- Add Abode MFA support (@shred86 - #43572) (abode docs)
- Use run_job for service helper (@balloob - #43696) (input_boolean docs) (input_datetime docs)
- Use utcnow from date util for http.ban (@balloob - #43686) (http docs)
- Await callbacks to keep cleaner stacktraces (@balloob - #43693) (mqtt docs)
- Update xknx to 0.15.6 (@farmio - #43645) (knx docs)
- Add system health check to Spotify (@frenck - #43249) (spotify docs)
- Fix exception upon lock initialization on V2 SimpliSafe systems (@bachya - #43705) (simplisafe docs)
- Bump RFLink to v0.0.55 (@javicalle - #43704) (rflink docs)
- Proxy Plex media browser images (@jjlawren - #43111) (plex docs)
- Bump up ZHA dependencies (@Adminiuga - #43707) (zha docs)
- Add support to control cooling in deCONZ climate platform (@Kane610 - #43720) (deconz docs)
- Blueprint config to override blueprint (@balloob - #43724) (blueprint docs)
- Ensure MariaDB/MySQL can be purged and handle states being deleted out from under the recorder (@moinmoin-sh - #43610) (recorder docs)
- Bump Brother library to version 0.1.20 (@bieniu - #43628) (brother docs)
- Bump hatasmota to 0.1.2 (@emontnemery - #43719) (tasmota docs)
- Make threshold binary sensor faster (@balloob - #43695) (threshold docs)
- Add Response switch platform to FireServiceRota integration (@cyberjunky - #43700) (fireservicerota docs) (new-platform)
- Add additional events to enhance the ZHA device pairing experience (@dmulcahey - #43729) (zha docs)
- Add a service target (@balloob - #43725)
- Create tables with a charset that can hold all expected data under mysql (@bdraco - #43732) (recorder docs)
- Allow configuring the delay in the motion light blueprint (@balloob - #43737) (automation docs)
- Add support for multiple tags and devices in tag trigger (@frenck - #43098) (tag docs)
- Remove temporary variable by only retrieving needed value (@springstan - #42522)
- Bump pypck to v0.7.6 (@alengwenus - #43710) (lcn docs) (breaking-change)
- Use the correct property for full init event (@dmulcahey - #43745) (zha docs)
- ZHA: remove unused ‘from_cache’ argument from ‘async_get_state’ and add ‘async_update’ (@basnijholt - #42413) (zha docs)
- Address FireServiceRota late code review (@cyberjunky - #43741) (fireservicerota docs)
- Always keep the current recorder run when purging (@bdraco - #43733) (recorder docs)
- Add nest device triggers for camera and doorbell events (@allenporter - #43548) (nest docs)
- Report correct weather condition at night for OpenWeatherMap (@springstan - #42982) (openweathermap docs)
- Support asking covers to stop using google assistant (@elupus - #43537) (google_assistant docs)
- Fix updating of Tesla switches after command (@alandtse - #43754) (tesla docs)
- Allow specifying device_id as target (@balloob - #43767)
- Add system health check to IPMA (@dgomes - #43762) (ipma docs)
- Add device information to solarlog integration (@Ernst79 - #43680) (solarlog docs)
- Add hyperion config options flow (@dermotduffy - #43673) (hyperion docs)
- Add show progress to ozw config flow (@MartinHjelmare - #43310) (ozw docs)
- Add authentication support to bsblan (@liudger - #42306) (bsblan docs)
- Increase Supervisor add-on helper timeout (@MartinHjelmare - #43778) (hassio docs)
- Add support for device class in target selector (@balloob - #43768)
- Fix MQTT birth message deadlock (@emontnemery - #43790) (mqtt docs)
- Warn when referencing missing devices/areas (@balloob - #43787)
- Add lock.open service to nello (@pattyland - #42141) (nello docs) (nello docs)
- Migrate foscam to use entity platform entity services (@balloob - #43775) (foscam docs)
- Use entity platform for Neato (@balloob - #43772) (neato docs)
- Upgrade elgato to 1.0.0 (@frenck - #43792) (elgato docs)
- Bump aiorecollect to 0.2.2 (@bachya - #43796) (recollect_waste docs)
- Base area IDs on initial name (@balloob - #43804)
- Remove unused stuff from ZHA registries (@abmantis - #43786) (zha docs)
- Remove Ubee Router integration (ADR-0004) (@frenck - #43809) (breaking-change)
- Fix config validation tests for upcoming beta (@frenck - #43811)
- Remove invalidation version from Airvisual (@frenck - #43810) (airvisual docs)
- Move uptime from relative time to absolute time (@chemelli74 - #43623) (uptime docs) (breaking-change)
- Add device action to mobile app to notify (@balloob - #43814) (mobile_app docs) (notify docs)
- Use !input instead of !placeholder (@balloob - #43820) (automation docs) (blueprint docs)
- Fix wrong temperature setting in LCN climate (@alengwenus - #43818) (lcn docs)
- Make simple deCONZ thermostats work (@Kane610 - #43781) (deconz docs)
- Another try to get rid of Shelly flaky test (@balloob - #43821) (shelly docs)
- Add Analog cluster for Lumi plugs (@Adminiuga - #43817) (zha docs)
- Add ozw scene_instance to scene_activated (@firstof9 - #43829) (ozw docs)
- Support more edl21 devices and sensors (@mtdcr - #43603) (edl21 docs)
- Update area and target selectors add sequence selector (@bramkragten - #43831) (automation docs)
- Bump libpurecool to 0.6.4 (@etheralm - #43779) (dyson docs)
- Add test for is_internal_request (@ctalkington - #43841)
- Upgrade TwitterAPI to (@fabaff - #43833) (twitter docs)
- Correct service not found exception message (@frenck - #43846)
- Upgrade pylast to 4.0.0 (@fabaff - #43830) (lastfm docs)
- Bump pypck to 0.7.7 (@alengwenus - #43824) (lcn docs)
- Use light turn on service (@balloob - #43847) (automation docs)
- Do not warn for weak referenced entities (@balloob - #43848) (homeassistant docs)
- Migrate notify-leaving-zone to use mobile app device action (@balloob - #43832) (automation docs) (mobile_app docs)
- Add new number entity integration (@Shulyaka - #42735) (demo docs) (number docs) (new-integration)
- Make “invalid password” error message clearer (@spacegaier - #43853) (config docs)
- Guard for when refreshing token fails (@balloob - #43855) (spotify docs)
- Cleanup unique_id on onewire integration (@epenet - #43783) (onewire docs)
- Fix using execute on the notify_leaving_zone (@balloob - #43858) (automation docs)
- deCONZ improve options updating entities (@Kane610 - #42320) (deconz docs)
- Deprecate the use of keyring and credstash (@balloob - #43854) (breaking-change)
- Refactor Apple TV integration (@postlund - #31952) (apple_tv docs) (breaking-change)
- Add preset support to deCONZ climate platform (@Kane610 - #43722) (deconz docs)
- Bump androidtv to 0.0.56 (@JeffLIrion - #43859)
- Add fan support to deCONZ climate platform (@Kane610 - #43721) (deconz docs)
- Use Plex websocket payloads to reduce overhead (@jjlawren - #42332) (plex docs)
- Bump Synology DSM to 1.0.1 (@Quentame - #43860) (synology_dsm docs)
- Allow members of allowed groups to talk to telegram_bot (@wicol - #43241) (telegram_bot docs) (breaking-change)
- Add support for system health to Airly integrarion (@bieniu - #43220) (airly docs)
- Add support for system health to AccuWeather integration (@bieniu - #43277) (accuweather docs)
- Automatically select “Solid” effect in Hyperion (@dermotduffy - #43799) (hyperion docs)
- Add support for MQTT Scenes (@kiall - #42639) (mqtt docs) (new-platform)
- Add ozw add-on discovery and mqtt client (@MartinHjelmare - #43838) (hassio docs) (ozw docs)
- Add telegram_bot.send_voice service (@dvv - #43433) (telegram_bot docs)
- Updated frontend to 20201202.0 (@bramkragten - #43862) (frontend docs)
- Improve custom datatype parsing in Modbus sensor and climate (@vzahradnik - #42354) (modbus docs)
- Improve handling of disabled devices (@emontnemery - #43864) (config docs)
- Add Kuler Sky Bluetooth floor lamp integration (@emlove - #42372) (kulersky docs) (beta fix) (new-integration)
- Fix intesishome passing coroutine to HassJob (@tehbrd - #43837) (intesishome docs) (beta fix)
- Fix Slack “invalid_blocks_format” bug (@bachya - #43875) (slack docs) (beta fix)
- Bump auroranoaa library to 0.0.2 (@djtimca - #43898) (aurora docs) (beta fix)
- Blueprint: descriptions + descriptive errors (@balloob - #43899) (automation docs) (blueprint docs) (beta fix)
- Unsubscribe ozw stop listener on entry unload (@MartinHjelmare - #43900) (ozw docs) (beta fix)
- Kulersky cleanups (@emlove - #43901) (kulersky docs) (beta fix)
- Updated frontend to 20201203.0 (@bramkragten - #43907) (frontend docs) (beta fix)
- Bump hatasmota to 0.1.4 (@emontnemery - #43912) (tasmota docs) (beta fix)
- Always send ozw network key to add-on config (@MartinHjelmare - #43938) (ozw docs) (beta fix)
- Handle stale ozw discovery flow (@MartinHjelmare - #43939) (ozw docs) (beta fix)
- Return unique id of Blink binary sensor (@brg468 - #43942) (blink docs) (beta fix)
- Updated frontend to 20201204.0 (@bramkragten - #43945) (frontend docs) (beta fix)
- Fix device refresh service can always add devices (@Kane610 - #43950) (deconz docs) (beta fix)
- Fix Ecobee set humidity (@treylok - #43954) (beta fix)
- Prevent firing Shelly input events at startup (@thecode - #43986) (shelly docs) (beta fix)
- Update ring to 0.6.2 (@balloob - #43995) (ring docs) (beta fix)
- Fix Solaredge integration in case the data is not complete (@Cereal2nd - #43557) (solaredge docs) (beta fix)
- Update generic_thermostat current_temperature on startup (@NigelRook - #43951) (generic_thermostat docs) (beta fix)
- Retry tuya setup on auth rate limiting (@AlexSzlavik - #44001) (tuya docs) (beta fix)
- Bump pymyq to 2.0.11 (@imbrianj - #44003) (myq docs) (beta fix)
- Fix unit of measurement for asuswrt sensors (@JJdeVries - #44009) (asuswrt docs) (beta fix)
- Hide HomeKit devices from discovery that are known to be problematic (@Jc2k - #44014) (homekit_controller docs) (beta fix)
- Add T8400 to ignore list (@FuzzyMistborn - #44017) (homekit_controller docs) (beta fix)
- Fix how homekit_controller enumerates Hue remote (@Jc2k - #44019) (homekit_controller docs) (beta fix)
- Bump simplisafe-python to 9.6.1 (@bachya - #44030) (simplisafe docs) (beta fix)
- Update pyarlo to 0.2.4 (@TakesTheBiscuit - #44034) (arlo docs) (beta fix)
- Add the missing ATTR_ENABLED attribute to Brother integration list of sensors (@bieniu - #44036) (brother docs) (beta fix)
- Update ZHA dependencies (@Adminiuga - #44039) (zha docs) (beta fix)
- Bump simplisafe-python to 9.6.2 (@bachya - #44040) (simplisafe docs) (beta fix)
- Fix extracting entity and device IDs from scripts (@balloob - #44048) (automation docs) (beta fix)
- Bump pyatv to 0.7.5 (@postlund - #44051) (apple_tv docs) (beta fix)
- Exclude coordinator when looking up group members entity IDs (@Adminiuga - #44058) (zha docs) (beta fix)
- Some lights only support hs, like the lidl christmas lights (@Kane610 - #44059) (deconz docs) (beta fix)
- Fix ignored Axis config entries doesn’t break set up of new entries (@Kane610 - #44062) (axis docs) (beta fix)
- Fix yeelight unavailbility (@zewelor - #44061) (yeelight docs) (beta fix)
- Fix transmission torrent filtering and sorting (@JPHutchins - #44069) (transmission docs) (beta fix)
- Bump hass-nabucasa to 0.39.0 (@balloob - #44097) (cloud docs) (beta fix)
- Fix importing blueprints from forums with HTML entities (@balloob - #44098) (blueprint docs) (beta fix)
- Fix importing blueprint from community (@bramkragten - #44104) (blueprint docs) (beta fix)
- Update frontend to 20201210.0 (@bramkragten - #44105) (frontend docs) (beta fix)
- Support more errors to better do retries in UniFi (@Kane610 - #44108) (unifi docs) (beta fix)
- Fix Met.no forecast precipitation (@brg468 - #44106) (met docs) (beta fix)
- Fix inability to erase SimpliSafe code (@bachya - #44137) (simplisafe docs) (beta fix)
- Fix upnp first discovered device is used (@StevenLooman - #44151) (upnp docs) (beta fix)
- Updated frontend to 20201212.0 (@bramkragten - #44154) (frontend docs) (beta fix)
- Remove invalidation_version from deprecated (@balloob - #44156) (beta fix)
- Bump zeroconf to 0.28.7 to fix thread safety (@bdraco - #44160) (zeroconf docs) (beta fix)
- Bump the ZHA quirks lib to 0.0.49 (@dmulcahey - #44173) (zha docs) (beta fix)
- Remove deprecated CONF_ALLOW_UNLOCK, CONF_API_KEY from Google Assistant (@hmmbob - #44087) (google_assistant docs) (beta fix)