Full Changelog for Home Assistant Core 2022.4
These are all the changes included in the Home Assistant Core 2202.4 release.
For a summary in a more readable format: Release notes blog for this release.
Full Changelog
- Bump version to 2022.4.0dev0 (@frenck - #67132)
- Remove deprecated YAML configuration from PVOutput (@frenck - #67162) (pvoutput docs) (breaking-change)
- Remove deprecated YAML configuration from Whois (@frenck - #67163) (whois docs) (breaking-change)
- Remove deprecated APNS integration (@frenck - #67158) (notify docs) (apns docs) (breaking-change)
- Remove deprecated YAML configuration from CPU Speed (@frenck - #67166) (cpuspeed docs) (breaking-change)
- Remove deprecated yaml config from bmw_connected_drive (@rikroe - #66965) (bmw_connected_drive docs) (breaking-change)
- Allow “slave” parameter in modbus service calls (@janiversen - #66874) (modbus docs)
- Remove deprecated Time of Flight integration (@frenck - #67167) (tof docs) (breaking-change)
- Presets for single ZONNSMART TRV (@rforro - #67157) (zha docs)
- Use SSDP dataclass in webostv tests (@thecode - #67181) (webostv docs)
- Make Google sync_seralize a callback (@balloob - #67155) (google_assistant docs)
- Remove deprecated BeagleBone Black GPIO integration (@frenck - #67160) (bbb_gpio docs) (breaking-change)
- Remove deprecated BH1750 integration (@frenck - #67161) (bh1750 docs) (breaking-change)
- Fix return type for entity update methods (@cdce8p - #67184) (dunehd docs) (fireservicerota docs)
- Remove deprecated Blinkt! integration (@frenck - #67165) (blinkt docs) (breaking-change)
- Remove deprecated Orange Pi GPIO integration (@frenck - #67177) (orangepi_gpio docs) (breaking-change)
- Remove deprecated MH-Z19 CO2 Sensor integration (@frenck - #67186) (mhz19 docs) (breaking-change)
- Remove deprecated Bosch BME280 Environmental Sensor integration (@frenck - #67185) (bme280 docs) (breaking-change)
- Set zwave_js siren to unknown state if value is None (@MartinHjelmare - #67172) (zwave_js docs) (breaking-change)
- Add support for rfxtrx sirens and chimes (@elupus - #66416) (rfxtrx docs) (noteworthy)
- Add tests for LCN cover platform (@alengwenus - #64832) (lcn docs)
- Clean up mysensors hass.data gateway access (@MartinHjelmare - #67233) (mysensors docs)
- Remove deprecated Sensirion SHT31 integration (@frenck - #67176) (sht31 docs) (breaking-change)
- Remove deprecated reverse_order and data_count from Modbus (@janiversen - #67236) (modbus docs) (breaking-change)
- Remove deprecated Media Player Classic Home Cinema (MPC-HC) integration (@frenck - #67189) (mpchc docs) (breaking-change)
- Remove deprecated Piglow integration (@frenck - #67227) (piglow docs) (breaking-change)
- Secure ATTR_ and CONF_ use identical texts in Modbus (@janiversen - #66901) (modbus docs)
- Fix modbus test_delay (@janiversen - #66993) (modbus docs)
- Remove deprecated pigpio Daemon PWM LED integration (@frenck - #67187) (rpi_gpio_pwm docs) (breaking-change)
- Remove deprecated pi4ioe5v9xxxx IO Expander integration (@frenck - #67188) (pi4ioe5v9xxxx docs) (breaking-change)
- Adjust SamsungTV abstraction layer (@epenet - #67216) (samsungtv docs)
- Correct tests to use data_type in Modbus (@janiversen - #67246) (modbus docs)
- Add mode setting to RFXtrx device configuration (@Jamstah - #67173) (rfxtrx docs)
- Bump aiogithubapi from 22.2.3 to 22.2.4 (@ludeeus - #67269) (github docs) (dependency)
- Change GitHub coordinator name (@ludeeus - #67285) (github docs)
- Repository event subscription (@ludeeus - #67284) (github docs) (noteworthy)
- Validate SleepIQ connection/credentials for the import step (@mfugate1 - #67292) (sleepiq docs)
- Add myself as code owner for google calendar integration (@allenporter - #67299) (google docs)
- Bump googel-api-python-client to 2.3.8 (last updated 2017) (@allenporter - #67298) (google docs) (dependency)
- Cleanup google calendar use of hass.data (@allenporter - #67305) (google docs)
- Reduce google calendar test flake (@allenporter - #67310) (google docs)
- Remove deprecated Raspberry Pi RF integration (@frenck - #67283) (rpi_rf docs) (breaking-change)
- Remove generic data types INT, UINT, FLOAT in modbus (@janiversen - #67268) (modbus docs) (breaking-change)
- Remove deprecated Sense HAT integration (@frenck - #67272) (sensehat docs) (breaking-change)
- Remove deprecated DHT Sensor integration (@frenck - #67276) (dht docs) (breaking-change)
- Remove deprecated Enviro pHAT integration (@frenck - #67277) (envirophat docs) (breaking-change)
- Add type code that is being ignored (@balloob - #67311) (websocket_api docs)
- Fix netgear typing (@MartinHjelmare - #67287) (netgear docs)
- Eliminate extra include (@elupus - #67316)
- Simplify google calendar authentication setup (@allenporter - #67314) (google docs)
- Simplify google calendar event filters (@allenporter - #67312) (google docs)
- Simplify google calendar API interactions (@allenporter - #67319) (google docs)
- Clean up RFXtrx tests (@Jamstah - #67278) (rfxtrx docs)
- Remove deprecated HTU21D(F) Sensor integration (@frenck - #67279) (htu21d docs) (breaking-change)
- Remove deprecated MCP23017 I/O Expander integration (@frenck - #67281) (mcp23017 docs) (breaking-change)
- Bump async-upnp-client to 0.25.0 (@StevenLooman - #66414) (upnp docs) (yeelight docs) (dlna_dmr docs) (ssdp docs) (network docs) (dependency)
- Cleanup google calendar shared test fixtures (@allenporter - #67343) (google docs)
- Remove deprecated Bosch BMP280 Environmental Sensor integration (@frenck - #67280) (bmp280 docs) (breaking-change)
- Migrate entry unique id for Sensibo (@gjohansson-ST - #67119) (sensibo docs)
- Cleanup google calendar by removing some device abstractions (@allenporter - #67356) (google docs)
- Bump samsungtvws to 2.0.0 (@epenet - #67351) (samsungtv docs) (dependency)
- Add reauth to SleepIQ (@kbickar - #67321) (sleepiq docs)
- Fix recurring events in google calendar (@allenporter - #67355) (google docs)
- Add codeowner to internal integrations that are without (@janiversen - #67286)
- Bump pychromecast to 10.3.0 (@emontnemery - #67370) (cast docs)
- Remove deprecated Bosch BME680 Environmental Sensor integration (@frenck - #67273) (bme680 docs) (breaking-change)
- Remove custom WS command for removing MQTT devices (@emontnemery - #67381) (mqtt docs)
- Remove custom WS command for removing Tasmota devices (@emontnemery - #67382) (tasmota docs)
- Update modbus climate (@k3mpaxl - #62483) (modbus docs)
- Fix google calendar comment typo (@allenporter - #67389) (google docs)
- Code quality improvements for Worldclock (@frenck - #67392) (worldclock docs)
- Add tests for Modbus slave binary sensors, up coverage to 100% (@janiversen - #67373) (modbus docs)
- Allow multi read of Modbus sensor (@janiversen - #67378) (modbus docs)
- Improve cast test for removing device (@emontnemery - #67385) (cast docs)
- Add diagnostics for screenlogic (@dieselrabbit - #67368) (screenlogic docs)
- Add sensor to expose Powerwall backup reserve percentage (@mdz - #66393) (powerwall docs)
- Use async rest api in SamsungTV (@epenet - #67369) (samsungtv docs)
- Update shodan to 1.27.0 (@frenck - #67393) (shodan docs) (dependency)
- Update sentry-sdk to 1.5.6 (@frenck - #67394) (sentry docs) (dependency)
- Remove deprecated Raspihats integration (@frenck - #67380) (raspihats docs) (breaking-change)
- Add Backup integration (@ludeeus - #66395) (backup docs) (new-integration) (noteworthy)
- Strict typing for dhcp (@bdraco - #67361) (dhcp docs)
- Add diagnostics support to bond (@bdraco - #67412) (bond docs)
- Add Signal Strength sensor to WiZ (@bdraco - #67411) (wiz docs) (new-platform)
- Set precision to tenths in Sensibo (@gjohansson-ST - #67297) (sensibo docs)
- Bump actions/setup-python from 2.3.2 to 3 (@dependabot - #67415) (dependency)
- Update ephem to 4.1.2 (@frenck - #67404) (season docs) (dependency)
- Update coverage to 6.3.2 (@frenck - #67395) (dependency)
- Update google-cloud-texttospeech to 2.10.0 (@frenck - #66746) (google_cloud docs) (dependency)
- Enable strict typing for backup integration (@ludeeus - #67427) (backup docs)
- Bump hatasmota to 0.4.0 (@emontnemery - #67421) (tasmota docs) (dependency)
- Add additional switch for dmaker.airfresh.a1/t2017 to xiaomi_miio (@Kirmas - #67033) (xiaomi_miio docs)
- Add “Auxiliary Heat Status” binary_sensor for dmaker.airfresh.a1/t2017 to xiaomi_miio (@Kirmas - #67040) (xiaomi_miio docs)
- Remove class attributes for backup manager (@ludeeus - #67431) (backup docs)
- Cleanup search for mac in samsungtv (@epenet - #67374) (samsungtv docs)
- Cleanup samsungtv bridge (@epenet - #67424) (samsungtv docs)
- Bump httpx and httpcore (@uvjustin - #67438) (dependency)
- Fix returned value from backup/info WS command (@ludeeus - #67439) (backup docs)
- Pip setup-python to 3.0.0 (@cdce8p - #67448)
- Prefer internal docker URL for VLC telnet when possible (@mdegat01 - #67090) (media_player docs) (vlc_telnet docs)
- Rework mysensors test fixtures (@MartinHjelmare - #67331) (mysensors docs)
- Bump actions/checkout from 2.4.0 to 3.0.0 (@cdce8p - #67456) (dependency)
- Update Pyoctoprint to 1.8 (@rfleming71 - #67459) (octoprint docs) (dependency)
- Add buttons for dmaker.airfresh.a1/t2017 to xiaomi_miio (@Kirmas - #67065) (xiaomi_miio docs)
- Mqtt fix issue with displaying non UTF-8 payload (@jbouwh - #67471) (mqtt docs)
- Handle exception in modbus slave sensor (@janiversen - #67472) (modbus docs)
- Bump samsungtvws to v2.1.0 (@epenet - #67483) (samsungtv docs) (dependency)
- Implement async websocket in samsungtv (@epenet - #67127) (samsungtv docs)
- Adjust error handling scope in samsungtv (@epenet - #66692) (samsungtv docs)
- Bump pysensibo to v1.0.8 (@gjohansson-ST - #67506) (sensibo docs) (dependency)
- Implement reauth for Sensibo (@gjohansson-ST - #67446) (sensibo docs)
- Fix nightly manifest (@frenck - #67489)
- Enable strict typing for usb (@bdraco - #67466) (usb docs)
- Allow reload of modbus (@janiversen - #67390) (modbus docs)
- Bump home-assistant/builder from 2022.01.0 to 2022.03.1 (@dependabot - #67525) (dependency)
- Allow area, device, and entity selectors to optionally support multiple selections like target selector (@r-t-s - #63138)
- Update nest media source to make device play most recent event (@allenporter - #67557) (nest docs)
- Add update integration (@ludeeus - #66552) (update docs) (new-integration)
- Fix Samsung TV state when the device is turned off (@epenet - #67541) (samsungtv docs)
- Cleanup mac fixtures in samsungtv tests (@epenet - #67529) (samsungtv docs)
- Add config flow for selecting precision of DS18B20 devices (@droberg - #64315) (onewire docs)
- Add light entity to SleepIQ (@kbickar - #67363) (sleepiq docs) (new-platform)
- Add pressure sensor for SleepIQ (@kbickar - #67574) (sleepiq docs)
- Use cached_property instead of stacked property + cache (@cdce8p - #67515) (dlna_dms docs)
- Add config flow to Moon (@frenck - #67444) (moon docs) (noteworthy) (config-flow)
- Bump httplib2 to 0.20.4 (@allenporter - #67552) (google docs) (remember_the_milk docs)
- Restore state of template binary sensor with on or off delay (@emontnemery - #67546) (template docs) (breaking-change) (noteworthy)
- Fix flaky google calendar test (@allenporter - #67600) (google docs)
- Improve google calendar test quality and share setup (@allenporter - #67441) (google docs)
- Log stack trace if exception without message (@balloob - #67587) (websocket_api docs)
- Rename async_resolve_entity_ids to async_validate_entity_ids (@emontnemery - #67603) (zone docs) (homeassistant docs)
- MQTT Improve warning override deprecated settings (@jbouwh - #67609) (mqtt docs)
- Bump actions/upload-artifact from 2.3.1 to 3.0.0 (@dependabot - #67598) (dependency)
- Add media source support to panasonic_viera (@balloob - #67568) (panasonic_viera docs) (noteworthy)
- Add mysensors notify tests (@MartinHjelmare - #67634) (mysensors docs)
- Add media source support to bluesound (@balloob - #67563) (bluesound docs) (noteworthy)
- Allow squeezebox to play media sources (@balloob - #67561) (squeezebox docs) (noteworthy)
- Add media source support to mpd (@balloob - #67565) (mpd docs) (noteworthy)
- Add media browser support to forked_daapd (@balloob - #67564) (forked_daapd docs) (noteworthy)
- End JSON files updated by scaffold script with a newline (@emontnemery - #67639)
- Add media source support to HeOS (@balloob - #67562) (heos docs) (noteworthy)
- Adjust data entry flow to have an option data_schema (@frenck - #67637)
- Add config flow for switch.light (@emontnemery - #67447) (switch docs)
- Add missing Ambient PWS sensors (@bachya - #67322) (ambient_station docs)
- Add message for unsupported models in samsungtv (@epenet - #67549) (samsungtv docs)
- Bump sleepiq library version (@kbickar - #67659) (sleepiq docs) (dependency)
- Refactor run app in SamsungTV (@epenet - #67616) (samsungtv docs)
- Refactor android_ip_webcam (@MartinHjelmare - #67664) (android_ip_webcam docs) (new-platform)
- Improve zwave_js custom triggers and services (@raman325 - #67461) (zwave_js docs)
- Add Hyperion device configuration URL (@jeeftor - #67495) (hyperion docs)
- Upgrade bandit to 1.7.4 (@scop - #67669) (dependency)
- Add base entity for Sensibo (@gjohansson-ST - #67696) (sensibo docs)
- Return None for fields not reported in Sensibo (@gjohansson-ST - #67693) (sensibo docs)
- Add firmness number entity to SleepIQ (@mfugate1 - #65841) (sleepiq docs) (breaking-change)
- Implement measurement sensor for Sensibo (@gjohansson-ST - #66949) (sensibo docs) (breaking-change)
- Quicker update on hvac mode change in Sensibo (@gjohansson-ST - #67692) (sensibo docs)
- Code cleanup yale_smart_alarm (@gjohansson-ST - #67701) (yale_smart_alarm docs)
- Remove rfxtrx signal repetition (@elupus - #67675) (rfxtrx docs) (breaking-change)
- Bump google-cloud-pubsub to 2.10.0 (@allenporter - #67724) (google_pubsub docs) (dependency)
- Bump google-nest-sdm to 1.8.0 (@allenporter - #67723) (nest docs) (dependency)
- Add problem sensor to yale_smart_alarm (@gjohansson-ST - #67699) (yale_smart_alarm docs)
- Bump greeclimate to 1.1.0 (@cmroche - #67763) (gree docs) (dependency)
- Fix scaffold (@balloob - #67769)
- Simplify google calendar new calendar tracking (@allenporter - #67772) (google docs)
- Bump async-upnp-client to 0.26.0 (@epenet - #67760) (upnp docs) (yeelight docs) (dlna_dmr docs) (ssdp docs) (dlna_dms docs) (dependency)
- Update whoami URL (@ludeeus - #67793)
- Bump samsungtvws to 2.2.0 (@epenet - #67771) (samsungtv docs) (dependency)
- Add strict typing to adguard (@tkdrob - #67775) (adguard docs)
- Add config flow for cover, fan, light and media_player groups (@emontnemery - #67660) (group docs) (noteworthy) (config-flow)
- Fix Jellyfin erroring on media items without a source (@j-stienstra - #67697) (jellyfin docs)
- Add config flow to Season (@frenck - #67413) (season docs) (noteworthy) (config-flow)
- Update PyTurboJPEG to 1.6.6 (@frenck - #67800) (camera docs) (stream docs) (dependency)
- Modify diagnostics for Sensibo (@gjohansson-ST - #67764) (sensibo docs)
- Bump samsungtvws to 2.3.0 (@epenet - #67821) (samsungtv docs) (dependency)
- Adjust websocket bridge logging in SamsungTV (@epenet - #67809) (samsungtv docs)
- Add Kaleidescape integration (@SteveEasley - #67711) (kaleidescape docs) (new-integration)
- Revert “Add update integration (#66552)” (@ludeeus - #67641) (default_config docs) (update docs)
- Remove unused import code from powerview (@bdraco - #67834) (hunterdouglas_powerview docs)
- Add media source support to Yamaha MusicCast (@balloob - #67572) (yamaha_musiccast docs) (noteworthy)
- Modify diagnostics for yale_smart_alarm (@gjohansson-ST - #67761) (yale_smart_alarm docs)
- Fix todoist parsing due dates for calendar events (@boralyl - #65403)
- Move key sequences to bridge in SamsungTV (@epenet - #67762) (samsungtv docs)
- Enable basic type checking in upnp (@epenet - #66253) (upnp docs)
- Fix SSDP unique id in SamsungTV config flow (@epenet - #67811) (samsungtv docs)
- Adjust get_mac routine in SamsungTV (@epenet - #67804) (samsungtv docs)
- Adjust power_off for TheFrame in SamsungTV (@epenet - #67841) (samsungtv docs)
- Adjust config entry matching in SamsungTV (@epenet - #67842) (samsungtv docs)
- Add homekit pm type sensor (@lesterlo - #46060) (homekit docs) (noteworthy)
- Simplify SSDP discovery in SamsungTV (@epenet - #67843) (samsungtv docs)
- Batch send commands in SamsungTV (@epenet - #67847) (samsungtv docs)
- Fix profiler dumping object when repr fails (@bdraco - #67674) (profiler docs)
- Add switch platform to bosch_shc integration (@tschamm - #62315) (bosch_shc docs) (new-platform)
- Add Shelly gen2 cover support (@thecode - #67705) (shelly docs) (noteworthy)
- Fix reauth trigger in SamsungTV (@epenet - #67850) (samsungtv docs)
- Remove bosch_shc switch surplus toggle method (@tschamm - #67851) (bosch_shc docs)
- Add MQTT notify platform (@jbouwh - #64728) (mqtt docs) (new-platform)
- Bump PyAV to v9.0.0 (@uvjustin - #67848) (stream docs) (dependency)
- Make google calendar loading API centric, not loading from yaml (@allenporter - #67722) (google docs)
- Allow discovery to update invalid unique_id in SamsungTV (@epenet - #67859) (samsungtv docs)
- Add Airzone HVAC Zoning Systems (@Noltari - #67666) (airzone docs) (new-integration)
- Add button entities to Mazda integration (@bdr99 - #67597) (mazda docs) (breaking-change)
- Add Siren to Z-Wave.Me integration (@PoltoS - #67200) (zwave_me docs)
- Complete fan speed transition from #59781 (@bdraco - #67743) (fan docs) (breaking-change)
- Timer code cleanup (@raman325 - #67604) (timer docs)
- Refactor helper_config_entry_flow (@emontnemery - #67895) (switch docs) (group docs)
- Removing myself from Samsung TV codeowners (@escoand - #67903) (samsungtv docs)
- Mock Radio Browser entry setup in onboarding tests (@frenck - #67905) (onboarding docs)
- Remove unused constant from group (@emontnemery - #67910) (group docs)
- Use import instead of hass in Shelly tests (@thecode - #67909) (shelly docs)
- Bump volvooncall to 0.10.0 (@cdce8p - #67918) (volvooncall docs) (dependency)
- Address late Airzone PR comments and fix Fahrenheit temperatures (@Noltari - #67904) (airzone docs)
- Compatibility for “device_state_attributes” which was deprecated in 2021.4 has been removed (@bdraco - #67837) (breaking-change)
- Correct type for convert_time_to_isodate (@eifinger - #67846) (here_travel_time docs)
- Add config flow for binary_sensor group (@emontnemery - #67802) (group docs) (noteworthy)
- Add switch_as_x integration (@emontnemery - #67878) (switch docs) (switch_as_x docs) (new-integration) (noteworthy)
- Use generic SamsungTVBridge for SamsungTV type hints (@epenet - #67942) (samsungtv docs)
- Removed unused const (@SteveEasley - #67932) (kaleidescape docs)
- Add sensor platform to Kaleidescape (@SteveEasley - #67884) (kaleidescape docs) (new-platform)
- Align selectors with frontend updates (@emontnemery - #67906)
- Add helper to set name of helper config entries (@emontnemery - #67950) (switch_as_x docs)
- Address review comments on switch_as_x tests (@emontnemery - #67951) (switch_as_x docs)
- Prevent recursive script calls from deadlocking (@emontnemery - #67861) (script docs)
- Bumped to boschshcpy==0.2.30 (@tschamm - #67965) (bosch_shc docs)
- Listen to entity registry events for wrapped switch in switch_as_x (@emontnemery - #67962)
- Add switch_as_x entity to wrapped switch’s device (@emontnemery - #67961) (switch_as_x docs)
- Log device IP sending local msg (@balloob - #67987) (google_assistant docs)
- Add DeviceClass TV to LG Netcast (@Drafteed - #67999) (lg_netcast docs)
- Coverage 100% of Modbus climate (@janiversen - #67396) (modbus docs)
- Remove pragma from discover check. (@janiversen - #68002) (modbus docs)
- Bump mypy to 0.940 (@cdce8p - #68007) (flux_led docs) (co2signal docs) (energy docs) (unifiprotect docs) (dependency)
- Rework available Sonos sources (@jjlawren - #67931) (sonos docs) (breaking-change)
- Add select entity to Sensibo (@gjohansson-ST - #67741) (sensibo docs)
- Add binary sensors to Mazda integration (@bdr99 - #64604) (mazda docs) (new-platform) (dependency)
- Motion blinds support direct wifi blinds (@starkillerOG - #67372) (motion_blinds docs) (dependency)
- Add basic rfxtrx diagnostics (@elupus - #67671) (rfxtrx docs)
- Clean up Efergy (@tkdrob - #67755) (efergy docs)
- Fix typing on Context.user_id (@bdraco - #68019) (google_assistant docs)
- Split out sync functions in backup manager (@ludeeus - #67428) (backup docs)
- Print client error in rest_command (@hmmbob - #67900) (rest_command docs)
- Add typing to deconz_device (@Kane610 - #67501) (deconz docs)
- Websocket api to subscribe to entities (payloads reduced by ~80%+ vs state_changed events) (@bdraco - #67891) (websocket_api docs)
- Adjust ms.remote.control error logging in SamsungTV (@epenet - #67988) (samsungtv docs)
- Add config flow to Uptime (@frenck - #67408) (uptime docs) (noteworthy) (config-flow)
- Add Home Connect pre-rinse capability for a dishwasher (@slovenec88 - #63536) (home_connect docs)
- Remove deprecated PiFace Digital I/O (PFIO) integration (@frenck - #67282) (rpi_pfio docs) (breaking-change)
- Remove deprecated PCAL9535A I/O Expander integration (@frenck - #67274) (pcal9535a docs) (breaking-change)
- Small code quality improvements for subscribe_entities (@bdraco - #68026) (websocket_api docs)
- Fix modbus reload service (@janiversen - #68040) (modbus docs)
- Cleanup - move Shelly logger to const (@thecode - #68046) (shelly docs)
- Bump python-juicenet to 1.1.0 (@jesserockz - #67992) (juicenet docs) (dependency)
- Remove legacy compatiblity for camera platforms that do not support width/height (@bdraco - #68039) (camera docs) (breaking-change)
- Add number entities to control SleepIQ actuator positions (@mfugate1 - #67770) (sleepiq docs)
- Add sensors to Sensibo for motion sensor (@gjohansson-ST - #67748) (sensibo docs) (new-platform)
- Remove unneeded permissions check from subscribe entities (@bdraco - #68044) (websocket_api docs)
- Fix switch light adding itself to devices (@balloob - #68060) (switch_as_x docs)
- Migrate SleepIQ unique IDs that are using sleeper name instead of sleeper ID (@mfugate1 - #68062) (sleepiq docs)
- Bump frontend to 20220312.0 (@balloob - #68061) (frontend docs) (dependency)
- Add remote platform to Kaleidescape integration (@SteveEasley - #67959) (kaleidescape docs) (new-platform)
- Add switch platform to the Mazda integration (@bdr99 - #68025) (mazda docs) (breaking-change) (new-platform)
- Update google-cloud-pubsub to 2.11.0 (@allenporter - #68074) (google_pubsub docs) (dependency)
- Add base entity to Switch as X (@frenck - #68057) (switch_as_x docs)
- Update sqlalchemy to 1.4.32 (@frenck - #68075) (recorder docs) (webostv docs) (sql docs) (dependency)
- Update sentry-sdk to 1.5.7 (@frenck - #68077) (sentry docs) (dependency)
- Update google-cloud-texttospeech to 2.11.0 (@frenck - #68076) (google_cloud docs) (dependency)
- Update wled to 0.13.1 (@frenck - #68084) (wled docs) (dependency)
- Clean up SleepIQ migration (@mfugate1 - #68092) (sleepiq docs)
- Small improvements for Switch as X (@frenck - #68079) (switch_as_x docs)
- Update freezegun to 1.2.0 (@frenck - #68090) (dependency)
- Update plugwise module to 0.16.8 (@CoMPaTech - #68082) (plugwise docs) (dependency)
- Update slixmpp to (@Junker - #68080) (xmpp docs) (dependency)
- Remove unused types for emoji (@frenck - #68091)
- Add Pure devices to Sensibo (@gjohansson-ST - #67695) (sensibo docs)
- Remove unused columns from states/events tables (@bdraco - #68078) (recorder docs)
- Add binary_sensor platform for Sensibo (@gjohansson-ST - #68088) (sensibo docs) (new-platform)
- Add intellifire UDP discovery at configuration start (@jeeftor - #67002) (intellifire docs)
- Add fixture for enabling disabled entities in WLED tests (@frenck - #68087) (wled docs)
- Update pytest to 7.1.0 (@frenck - #68108) (dependency)
- Update pyupgrade to v2.31.1 (@frenck - #68110) (dependency)
- Clean up Whois tests use entity_registry_enabled_by_default fixture (@frenck - #68113) (whois docs)
- Only create WLED current sensors when available (@frenck - #68116) (wled docs)
- Add cover platform to Switch as X (@frenck - #68107) (switch_as_x docs) (new-platform)
- Add siren platform to Switch as X (@frenck - #68118) (switch_as_x docs) (new-platform)
- Add Fan platform to Switch as X (@frenck - #68122) (switch_as_x docs) (new-platform)
- Remove deprecated OpenZWave integration (@frenck - #68054) (ozw docs) (breaking-change)
- Add typing of deCONZ device_trigger (@Kane610 - #67496) (deconz docs)
- Set isolated_build = True for tox (@mfugate1 - #67238)
- Add typing of deconz_event (@Kane610 - #67497) (deconz docs)
- Add Lock platform to Switch as X (@frenck - #68123) (switch_as_x docs) (new-platform)
- Downgrade SSDP failed to setup listener warning to debug (@thecode - #68129) (ssdp docs)
- Complete typing of some platforms of deCONZ integration (@Kane610 - #67494) (deconz docs)
- Bump Rova to 0.3.0 (@GidoHakvoort - #67688) (rova docs) (dependency)
- Fix Magic Home devices with multiple network interfaces (@bdraco - #68029) (flux_led docs)
- Hide switch_as_x tracked entity (@emontnemery - #67949) (switch_as_x docs) (noteworthy)
- Add media source support to openhome (@balloob - #67566) (openhome docs) (noteworthy)
- Update pytest-xdist to 2.5.0 (@frenck - #68135) (dependency)
- Restore state of trigger based template binary sensor (@emontnemery - #67538) (template docs) (breaking-change) (noteworthy)
- Add media source support to unifiprotect (@balloob - #67570) (unifiprotect docs) (noteworthy)
- Ensure WiZ is reloaded on title change (@bdraco - #68147) (wiz docs)
- Ensure flux_led is reloaded when the title changes (@bdraco - #68146) (flux_led docs)
- Minor tweak of config entity_registry test (@emontnemery - #68141) (config docs)
- Bump volkszahler to 0.3.2 (@bbr111 - #67958) (volkszaehler docs) (dependency)
- Update google calendar integration with a config flow (@allenporter - #68010) (google docs) (config-flow)
- Handle ConnectionClosed in SamsungTV try_connect (@epenet - #68125) (samsungtv docs)
- Remove unused TypeVars (@cdce8p - #68155) (dlna_dmr docs) (vlc_telnet docs)
- Clean up code for onewire config flow (@droberg - #67970) (onewire docs)
- Prevent adding plugwise products used as secondary controllers (@CoMPaTech - #68098) (plugwise docs)
- Improve sonos error decorator typing (@cdce8p - #67199) (sonos docs)
- Don’t import TypeVars from core modules (@cdce8p - #68154) (zha docs)
- Fix deconz typing (@Kane610 - #68143) (deconz docs)
- Update flake8-comprehensions to 3.8.0 (@frenck - #68164) (dependency)
- Update twentemilieu to 0.6.0 (@frenck - #68171) (twentemilieu docs) (dependency)
- Prevent spawning script runs when shutting down (@emontnemery - #68170)
- Fix met TypeVar usage (@cdce8p - #68152) (met docs)
- Fix deadlock when stopping queued script (@emontnemery - #68175)
- Exclude hidden entities from targets (@emontnemery - #68149) (noteworthy)
- Disable recorder nightly jobs in tests (@emontnemery - #68188) (recorder docs)
- Bump gTTS to 2.2.4 (@leranp - #68180) (google_translate docs)
- Clean up twitch (@tkdrob - #67595) (twitch docs)
- Small tweaks of switch_as_x tests (@emontnemery - #68195) (switch_as_x docs)
- Small tweaks of group tests (@emontnemery - #68196) (group docs)
- Don’t prevent automations from triggering themselves (@emontnemery - #68178) (automation docs) (script docs)
- Replace hass helper calls in deCONZ device trigger tests (@Kane610 - #68197) (deconz docs)
- Update SMA config entry when unique ID already configured (@frenck - #68179) (sma docs)
- Add diagnostics to august (@bdraco - #68157) (august docs)
- Add backup platform support (@ludeeus - #68182) (backup docs)
- IntelliFire Diagnostic Error Sensor (@jeeftor - #67403) (intellifire docs) (dependency)
- Add diagnostics support to nexia (@bdraco - #68215) (nexia docs)
- Add Z-Wave thermostat fan entity (@EiNSTeiN- - #65865) (zwave_js docs)
- Validate TTS base url (@balloob - #68212) (tts docs)
- Update aioairzone to v0.1.0 (@Noltari - #68194) (airzone docs) (dependency)
- Use Platform StrEnum in Hassfest manifest plugin (@frenck - #68234)
- Add scaffold for helper integration config flow (@emontnemery - #67803)
- Fix precision of vicare target & current temperature (@oischinger - #66456) (vicare docs)
- Fix Spotify podcasts & Plex
on Sonos (@jjlawren - #68131) (sonos docs) (dependency) - Improve logging for Discord integration (@d6e - #68160) (discord docs)
- Add support for menu step (@balloob - #68203)
- Bump PyNaCl to 1.5.0 (@raman325 - #68226) (owntracks docs) (mobile_app docs) (dependency)
- 20220316.0 (@zsarnett - #68276) (frontend docs)
- Bump samsungtvws to 2.4.0 (@epenet - #68225) (samsungtv docs) (dependency)
- Add if subscription is active to cloud status (@balloob - #68266) (cloud docs)
- Change default timeout for operations in SNMP component (@wchan-ranelagh - #68230) (snmp docs)
- Add amberelectric price descriptors (@madpilot - #67981) (amberelectric docs)
- Rename root node to integration name (@elupus - #68214) (arcam_fmj docs)
- Rename root media folder to integration name (@elupus - #68213) (philips_js docs)
- Remove duplicate (partial) pytest job (@cdce8p - #68221)
- Improve strings for helper flow scaffold (@emontnemery - #68257)
- Correct naming for electrical energy meter (@gigatexel - #68290) (dsmr docs)
- Make TypeVars private (1) (@cdce8p - #68205) (diagnostics docs)
- Make TypeVars private (2) (@cdce8p - #68206)
- Make TypeVars private (3) (@cdce8p - #68207)
- Skip unsupported LIFX Switches during discovery (@Djelibeybi - #67726) (lifx docs)
- Make new_token_callback more generic in SamsungTV (@epenet - #67990) (samsungtv docs)
- Migrate geo_json_events to async library (@exxamalte - #68236) (geo_json_events docs)
- Normalize enqueuing Plex media on Sonos (@jjlawren - #68132) (sonos docs)
- Improve Plex media search failure feedback (@jjlawren - #67493) (plex docs)
- Bump async-upnp-client to 0.27.0 (@StevenLooman - #68310) (upnp docs) (yeelight docs) (dlna_dmr docs) (ssdp docs) (dlna_dms docs) (dependency)
- Bump frontend to 20220317.0 (@zsarnett - #68314) (frontend docs)
- Don’t access hass.data directly in generic camera test. (@davet2001 - #68316) (generic docs)
- Commit any pending changes before running non-EventTasks in the recorder (@bdraco - #68287) (recorder docs)
- Bump plexapi to 4.10.1 (@jjlawren - #68313) (plex docs) (dependency)
- Add zha typing [api] (1) (@cdce8p - #68220) (zha docs)
- Add support for variables on trigger (@balloob - #68275) (noteworthy)
- Add config flow for integration sensor (@emontnemery - #68288) (integration docs) (noteworthy) (config-flow)
- Use a dedicated executor pool for database operations (@bdraco - #68105) (recorder docs) (history docs) (logbook docs) (plant docs)
- Add config flow for sun (@emontnemery - #68295) (sun docs) (noteworthy) (config-flow)
- Tweak selectors (@emontnemery - #68267)
- Separate attrs into another table (reduces database size) (@bdraco - #68224) (recorder docs) (breaking-change)
- Fix statistics doing I/O in the event loop (@bdraco - #68315) (statistics docs)
- Add config flow for derivative sensor (@emontnemery - #68268) (derivative docs) (noteworthy) (config-flow)
- Add switch platform to UptimeRobot (@chemelli74 - #65394) (uptimerobot docs) (breaking-change) (new-platform)
- Remove deprecated (old) Z-Wave integration (@frenck - #67221) (zwave docs) (config docs) (breaking-change)
- Add diagnostics to stream’s Stream objects (@allenporter - #68020) (stream docs)
- Cache parsing attr in LazyState (@bdraco - #68232) (recorder docs)
- Update mypy to 0.941 (@frenck - #68305) (dependency)
- Add support for Sonos subwoofer gain controls (@jjlawren - #68334) (sonos docs)
- Add zha typing [api] (2) (@cdce8p - #68335) (zha docs)
- Remove deprecated yaml config from trafikverket_weatherstation (@tkdrob - #68336) (trafikverket_weatherstation docs) (breaking-change)
- Make powerwall attribute sensors their own sensors (@bdraco - #68345) (powerwall docs) (breaking-change)
- Rename Lovelace to Dashboards (@frenck - #68346) (lovelace docs) (noteworthy)
- Add zha typing [core.group] (@cdce8p - #68350) (zha docs)
- Add zwave_js fan preset modes and enable them for Inovelli LZW36 (@mkowalchuk - #60947) (zwave_js docs) (breaking-change)
- Redact data from zwave_js diagnostics (@raman325 - #68348) (zwave_js docs)
- Add new tomorrow.io integration to replace Climacell (@raman325 - #68156) (climacell docs) (tomorrowio docs) (breaking-change) (new-integration)
- Bump python-smarttub dependency to 0.0.30 (@swbradshaw - #68356) (smarttub docs) (dependency)
- Update pytest to 7.1.1 (@frenck - #68366) (dependency)
- Add zha typing [core.discovery] (1) (@cdce8p - #68359) (zha docs)
- Update sentry-sdk to 1.5.8 (@frenck - #68367) (sentry docs) (dependency)
- Switch zwave_js redact keys from tuple to set (@raman325 - #68375) (zwave_js docs)
- Mark stream available on idle timeout (@allenporter - #68380) (stream docs)
- Bump broadlink to 0.18.1 (@felipediel - #68391) (broadlink docs) (dependency)
- Fix FOREIGN KEY constraint failed when removing state_attributes (@bdraco - #68364) (recorder docs)
- Add Airzone coordinator tests (@Noltari - #68384) (airzone docs)
- Don’t use hass.helpers (@balloob - #68393)
- Avoid hashing attributes when they are already in the cache (@bdraco - #68395) (recorder docs)
- Update pyaussiebb to 0.0.14 (@yaleman - #68293) (aussie_broadband docs) (dependency)
- Simplify time zone setting in tests (@emontnemery - #68330)
- Fix CI file changed filter (@cdce8p - #68351)
- Add door locks to Subaru integration (@G-Two - #52852) (subaru docs) (new-platform)
- Avoid selecting attributes in the history api when
is passed (@bdraco - #68352) (recorder docs) (history docs) - Convert unindexed domain queries to entity_id queries (@bdraco - #68404) (recorder docs) (history docs) (logbook docs) (breaking-change)
- Add shutdown guard to Recorder pool in case there is no connection (@bdraco - #68407) (recorder docs)
- Add device_id into ESPHome event data (@jesserockz - #68408) (esphome docs)
- Add Cover to Z-Wave.Me integration (@PoltoS - #68233) (zwave_me docs) (new-platform)
- Fix pip_check (@cdce8p - #68421) (dependency)
- Bump simplisafe-python to 2022.03.0 (@bachya - #68424) (simplisafe docs) (dependency)
- Add yale_smart_alarm to strict typing (@gjohansson-ST - #68422) (yale_smart_alarm docs)
- Remove SmartHab integration (@outadoc - #67874) (smarthab docs) (breaking-change)
- Bump aioridwell to 2022.03.0 (@bachya - #68423) (ridwell docs) (dependency)
- Add calendar platform to Twente Milieu (@frenck - #68190) (twentemilieu docs) (new-platform)
- Fix migration to schema v25 with Postgresql (@bdraco - #68426) (recorder docs)
- Tweak hassfest codeowners script (@tkdrob - #68382)
- Add unique_id through YAML to the integration component (@dgomes - #68435) (integration docs)
- Raise if referenced entity does not support service (@balloob - #68394) (breaking-change)
- Intellifire DHCP Auto Discovery (@jeeftor - #67053) (intellifire docs)
- Improve error handling process_play_media_url (@balloob - #68322) (media_player docs)
- Fix logbook tests (@bdraco - #68443) (logbook docs)
- Add integration type (@balloob - #68349) (config docs) (derivative docs)
- Adopt SelectEntity in Utility Meter (@dgomes - #55690) (utility_meter docs) (breaking-change)
- Improve
typing (@cdce8p - #68441) - Add update entity platform (@frenck - #68248) (update docs) (new-integration)
- Update coordinator typing (2) [e-f] (@cdce8p - #68462)
- Update coordinator typing (3) [g-n] (@cdce8p - #68463)
- Update coordinator typing (6) [t-v] (@cdce8p - #68466)
- Change update default entity category based on features (@frenck - #68455) (update docs)
- Update coordinator typing (4) [o-p] (@cdce8p - #68464) (octoprint docs) (philips_js docs) (pvoutput docs) (pvpc_hourly_pricing docs) (omnilogic docs) (overkiz docs) (p1_monitor docs) (open_meteo docs)
- Update coordinator typing (5) [r-s] (@cdce8p - #68465)
- Update coordinator typing (7) [w-z] (@cdce8p - #68467) (wemo docs) (xiaomi_miio docs) (yamaha_musiccast docs) (yale_smart_alarm docs) (wled docs) (xbox docs) (wallbox docs)
- Add update platform to WLED (@frenck - #68454) (wled docs) (breaking-change)
- Update coordinator typing (1) [a-c] (@cdce8p - #68442)
- Move WLED update title to class attribute (@frenck - #68470) (wled docs)
- Trigger full ci run on label (@cdce8p - #68469)
- Track number of persons in a Zone (@frenck - #68473) (zone docs) (noteworthy)
- Bump asyncsleepiq to 1.2.0 (@mfugate1 - #68438) (sleepiq docs) (dependency)
- Remove extra attributes from pvoutput sensors (@bdraco - #68481) (pvoutput docs) (breaking-change)
- Add select platform to Plugwise (@CoMPaTech - #68303) (plugwise docs) (breaking-change)
- Support multiple Plex servers in media browser (@jjlawren - #68321) (sonos docs) (plex docs) (breaking-change)
- Improve recorder setup in tests (@emontnemery - #68333) (demo docs)
- Add PECO power outage counter integration (@IceBotYT - #65194) (peco docs) (new-integration)
- Add API endpoint get_statistics_metadata (@pszafer - #68471) (recorder docs) (history docs) (sensor docs)
- Seperate emonitor extra_state_attributes into their own sensors (@bdraco - #68479) (emonitor docs) (breaking-change)
- Add support for effects to tplink light strips (@bdraco - #65166) (tplink docs) (noteworthy)
- Deprecate mysensors config YAML (@MartinHjelmare - #68504) (mysensors docs) (breaking-change)
- Add basic support for SamsungTV encrypted models (@epenet - #68500) (samsungtv docs) (noteworthy)
- Add config flow for threshold binary sensor (@emontnemery - #68238) (threshold docs) (config-flow)
- Allow hiding and unhiding group members (@emontnemery - #68192) (group docs) (noteworthy)
- Add update platform to the Supervisor integration (@ludeeus - #68475) (hassio docs) (breaking-change)
- Revert “Add MQTT notify platform (#64728)” (@jbouwh - #68505) (mqtt docs)
- Clarify what the Tailscale integration does not (@frenck - #68499) (tailscale docs)
- Deprecate Dune HD YAML configuration (@tkdrob - #68381) (dunehd docs) (breaking-change)
- Remove deprecated config option for eight_sleep (@raman325 - #68495) (eight_sleep docs) (breaking-change)
- Bump actions/cache from 2.1.7 to 3 (@dependabot - #68496) (dependency)
- Add typing to Alert integration (@frenck - #68365) (alert docs)
- Add boolean for certificate usage to analytics (@ludeeus - #68254) (analytics docs) (new-integration) (noteworthy)
- Use new internal_state property in tplink diagnostics (@bdraco - #68497) (tplink docs)
- Add zha typing [core.gateway] (1) (@cdce8p - #68397) (zha docs)
- Add zha typing [core.channels] (@cdce8p - #68377) (zha docs)
- Add zha typing [api] (3) (@cdce8p - #68353) (zha docs)
- Add all option to light group (@JeffResc - #68447) (group docs)
- Fix tuya light 2 channel dimmer module (@Waz-Cpt - #68109) (tuya docs)
- Add World Message/MOTD support for MinecraftServer Integration (@itjedi42 - #66297) (minecraft_server docs)
- Convert plant to use history api for database access (@bdraco - #68410) (plant docs)
- Remove unneeded attributes selection from history_states api calls (@bdraco - #68409) (history_stats docs)
- Fix scaffold script (@emontnemery - #68516)
- Updating to allow for Button Press event logs for Inovelli devices (@InovelliUSA - #68277) (zha docs) (new-integration)
- Disable extra emonitor sensors by default (@bdraco - #68519) (emonitor docs)
- Add WS API to adjust incorrect energy statistics (@emontnemery - #65147) (recorder docs) (sensor docs)
- Bump Frontend to 20220322.0 (@zsarnett - #68535) (frontend docs)
- Remove deprecated yaml config from androidtv (@tkdrob - #68339) (androidtv docs) (breaking-change)
- Dump entities in zwave_js device diagnostics (@raman325 - #68536) (zwave_js docs)
- Add config flow to deluge (@tkdrob - #58789) (deluge docs) (breaking-change) (config-flow)
- Remove color temperature workaround in Hue integration (@marcelveldt - #68531) (hue docs)
- Switch sqlalchemy execute to use .all() instead of list() on the iterator (@bdraco - #68540) (recorder docs)
- Update freezegun to 1.2.1 (@frenck - #68512) (dependency)
- Cache newly written state attribute ids (@bdraco - #68355) (recorder docs)
- Bump samsungtvws to 2.5.0 (@epenet - #68542) (samsungtv docs) (dependency)
- Add inverter size to Forecast.Solar (@klaasnicolaas - #68263) (forecast_solar docs) (dependency) (noteworthy)
- Fix flaky datetime test (@cdce8p - #68524)
- Fix tplink effect not being restored when turning back on (@bdraco - #68533) (tplink docs)
- Exclude hidden entities from homekit (@emontnemery - #68552) (homekit docs) (noteworthy)
- Adjust backup type of Update entity (@frenck - #68553) (hassio docs) (demo docs) (wled docs) (update docs) (breaking-change)
- Improve reload helper typing (@MartinHjelmare - #68558)
- Exclude hidden entities from alexa (@emontnemery - #68555) (alexa docs) (noteworthy)
- Exclude hidden entities from cloud (@emontnemery - #68557) (cloud docs) (noteworthy)
- Exclude hidden entities from google_assistant (@emontnemery - #68554) (google_assistant docs) (noteworthy)
- Remove useless async_setup from AndroidTV (@ollo69 - #68561) (androidtv docs)
- Update isort to 5.10.1 (@frenck - #68564) (dependency)
- Update group strings (@emontnemery - #68571) (group docs)
- Make initial group config flow step a menu (@emontnemery - #68565) (group docs)
- Bump motionblinds to 0.6.2 (@starkillerOG - #68570) (motion_blinds docs) (dependency)
- Cleanup SamsungTV following dependency bump (@epenet - #68562) (samsungtv docs)
- Remove deprecated yaml config from Awair (@tkdrob - #68572) (awair docs) (breaking-change)
- Fronius - change the unit of capacity from Ah to Wh (@JonasClever - #68543) (fronius docs)
- Add Lock platform to wallbox (@hesselonline - #68414) (wallbox docs) (new-platform)
- Motion request update till stop (@starkillerOG - #68580) (motion_blinds docs)
- Hue aggregated control for grouped lights (@marcelveldt - #68566) (hue docs) (noteworthy)
- Redact user codes from zwave_js diagnostics (@raman325 - #68515) (zwave_js docs)
- Use callback to get app_list in SamsungTV (@epenet - #68506) (samsungtv docs)
- Rename HelperFlowStep to HelperFlowFormStep (@emontnemery - #68583) (group docs) (integration docs) (threshold docs) (derivative docs) (switch_as_x docs)
- Small cleanups for recorder (@bdraco - #68551) (recorder docs)
- Add effects feature to Hue lights (@marcelveldt - #68567) (hue docs) (noteworthy)
- Switch filter to use the database executor (@bdraco - #68594) (filter docs)
- Add SleepIQ select entity for foundation preset positions (@mfugate1 - #68489) (sleepiq docs)
- Use DataUpdateCoordinator in here_travel_time (@eifinger - #61398) (here_travel_time docs)
- Update Times of the Day tests to use freezegun (@emontnemery - #68327) (tod docs)
- Bump pyaussiebb to 0.0.15 (@yaleman - #68600) (aussie_broadband docs) (dependency)
- Include has_mean + has_sum in statistics metadata WS response (@emontnemery - #68546) (recorder docs) (sensor docs)
- Move remove all light option from group config flow (@frenck - #68609) (group docs)
- Add diagnostics support to Forecast.Solar (@klaasnicolaas - #65063) (forecast_solar docs)
- Clean up async_dispatcher_connect helper usage (@frenck - #68613)
- Sort selectors alphabetically (@emontnemery - #68612)
- Use recorder threadpool in WS recorder/get_statistics_metadata (@emontnemery - #68615) (recorder docs)
- Clean up async_reproduce_state helper usage (@frenck - #68617)
- Only show light group all option in advanced mode (@emontnemery - #68610) (group docs)
- Fix Lyric temperature setting when off (@nprez83 - #68573) (lyric docs)
- Add command support to SamsungTV H/J models (@epenet - #68301) (samsungtv docs) (noteworthy)
- Update grpcio to 1.45.0 (@frenck - #68632) (dependency)
- Add config flow for times of the day binary sensor (@emontnemery - #68246) (tod docs) (config-flow)
- Ensure recorder statistics process registry updates in the db executor (@bdraco - #68633) (recorder docs)
- Remove direct usage of concurrent.futures from recorder (@bdraco - #68593) (recorder docs)
- Fix history queries while the database migration is in progress (@bdraco - #68598) (recorder docs)
- Wallbox remove unnecessary try..except (@hesselonline - #68636) (wallbox docs)
- Improve data handling for Sensibo (@gjohansson-ST - #68419) (sensibo docs) (dependency)
- Update jinja2 to 3.1.0 (@frenck - #68625) (dependency)
- remove unused constant (@farmio - #68646) (fronius docs)
- Migrate Unifi Protect last tripped time attributes to their own entities (@bdraco - #68347) (unifiprotect docs) (breaking-change)
- Add support for field descriptions in config flows (@balloob - #68604) (derivative docs)
- Typing and code quality for recorder history (@bdraco - #68647) (recorder docs)
- Honeywell away temps (@rdfurman - #54704) (honeywell docs)
- Update mypy to 0.942 (@cdce8p - #68652) (dependency)
- Bump Blinkpy to 0.19.0 (@fronzbot - #68653) (blink docs) (dependency)
- Simplify zha IEEE validation schema (@cdce8p - #68645) (zha docs)
- Add zha typing [core.gateway] (2) (@cdce8p - #68644) (zha docs)
- Improve zha websocket api logic (@cdce8p - #68648) (zha docs)
- Improve zha typing [api] (4) (@cdce8p - #68649) (zha docs)
- Add typing to test files for Wallbox (@hesselonline - #68635) (wallbox docs)
- Improve zha typing [core.decorators] (@cdce8p - #68650) (zha docs)
- Implement config flow for filesize (@gjohansson-ST - #67668) (filesize docs) (breaking-change) (config-flow)
- Motion allow changing ip (@starkillerOG - #68589) (motion_blinds docs)
- Bump asyncsleepiq to 1.2.1 (@mfugate1 - #68680) (sleepiq docs) (dependency)
- Add strict typing for recorder util (@bdraco - #68681) (recorder docs)
- Update pylint to 2.13.0 (@cdce8p - #68656) (dependency)
- Clean up async_update_entity helper usage (@frenck - #68641)
- Cleanup after pylint update (@cdce8p - #68657)
- Add CONF_LOCATION constant (@raman325 - #68474)
- Add backup platform to recorder (@ludeeus - #68229) (recorder docs)
- Bump objgraph to 3.5.0 to fix stall in profiler tests (@bdraco - #68690) (profiler docs)
- Update labels for derivative config flow time units (@emontnemery - #68665) (derivative docs)
- Fix review comments for filesize (@gjohansson-ST - #68703) (filesize docs)
- Support DSMR data read via RFXtrx with integrated P1 reader (@rhpijnacker - #63529) (dsmr docs)
- Break out sensors for filesize (@gjohansson-ST - #68702) (filesize docs) (breaking-change)
- Add config flow to fibaro (@rappenze - #65203) (fibaro docs) (breaking-change) (config-flow)
- Bump androidtv to 0.0.66 (Android 11 support) (@JeffLIrion - #68720) (dependency) (noteworthy)
- Fix typo in NMAP Tracker Config Flow (@ntilley905 - #68712) (nmap_tracker docs)
- Add enable_day to duration selector (@frenck - #68705)
- Update selectors with frontend changes (@emontnemery - #68623)
- Patch out Met in onboarding tests (@frenck - #68732) (onboarding docs)
- Pause deprecation of legacy works with Nest API (@allenporter - #68715) (nest docs) (breaking-change)
- Update pylint to 2.13.2 (@cdce8p - #68704) (dependency)
- Add additional type hints for calendar integration (@allenporter - #68660) (calendar docs)
- Update Huawei LTE config entry data on successful reconfig (@scop - #68727) (huawei_lte docs)
- Remove some offset complexity from calendar event (@allenporter - #68724) (google docs) (calendar docs) (caldav docs) (breaking-change)
- Bump adb-shell to 0.4.2 (@JeffLIrion - #68742) (dependency)
- Add Airzone climate platform (@Noltari - #67924) (airzone docs) (new-platform)
- Add support for setting up encrypted samsung tvs from config flow (@bdraco - #68717) (samsungtv docs)
- Add Airzone binary sensor platform (@Noltari - #68140) (airzone docs) (new-platform)
- Use new samsungtv exception to detect when reauth is needed (@bdraco - #68762) (samsungtv docs)
- Add Upnp volume control/status to SamsungTV (@epenet - #68663) (samsungtv docs)
- Restore AndroidTV entity name from migration (@ollo69 - #68756) (androidtv docs)
- Fix notify discovery setup (@jbouwh - #68451) (notify docs)
- Clarify duration selector (@emontnemery - #68731)
- Add config flow for min_max sensor (@emontnemery - #67807) (min_max docs) (config-flow)
- Add state class to Tankerkoenig fuel price sensors (@mib1185 - #68737) (tankerkoenig docs)
- Add support for finding the samsungtv MainTvAgent service location (@bdraco - #68763) (samsungtv docs)
- Mock out all default onboarding integrations in test (@frenck - #68776) (onboarding docs)
- Mark switch_as_x as a helper integration (@emontnemery - #68779) (switch_as_x docs)
- Mark integration as a helper integration (@emontnemery - #68778) (integration docs)
- Locally patch AirzoneLocalApi in tests (@Noltari - #68770) (airzone docs)
- Don’t create two zwave_js.lock entities for a single device (@raman325 - #68651) (zwave_js docs)
- Bump aiowebostv to 0.2.0 (@thecode - #68773) (webostv docs) (dependency)
- Mark threshold as a helper integration (@emontnemery - #68780) (threshold docs)
- Add switch groups (@frenck - #68528) (group docs) (new-platform)
- Revert light.switch to 2022.3 (@emontnemery - #68772) (switch docs)
- Mark group as a helper integration (@emontnemery - #68775) (group docs)
- Add OUI to SamsungTV (@epenet - #68771) (samsungtv docs)
- Update climate.py (@rforro - #68786) (zha docs)
- Bump dependency (pyoverkiz to 1.3.12) in Overkiz integration (@iMicknl - #68788) (overkiz docs) (dependency)
- Fix reauth message in Overkiz integration (@iMicknl - #68787) (overkiz docs)
- Change fibaro disconnect log level to debug (@rappenze - #68783) (fibaro docs)
- Remove leftovers of Huawei LTE YAML config support (@scop - #68728) (huawei_lte docs) (breaking-change)
- Add diagnostics platform for AccuWeather integration (@bieniu - #68752) (accuweather docs)
- Adjust “default_config” comment in default config (@wmarler - #68679)
- Add test coverage for google calendar event response format (@allenporter - #68767) (google docs)
- Address late motion blinds review comments (@starkillerOG - #68793) (motion_blinds docs)
- Force helpers to have a mandatory description (@balloob - #68796) (derivative docs) (switch_as_x docs)
- Ban brand name translations as step titles (@balloob - #68801)
- Update REST api mocking in SamsungTV (@epenet - #68172) (samsungtv docs)
- Generic IP Camera configflow 2 (@davet2001 - #52360) (generic docs) (breaking-change) (config-flow)
- Change newly appeared DISABLED_USERs in tests to RegistryEntryDisablers (@scop - #68799) (tomorrowio docs) (homewizard docs)
- Improve caldav tests to use APIs rather than entity methods (@allenporter - #68745) (caldav docs)
- Run KNX protocol logic in a separate thread (@farmio - #68807) (knx docs)
- Add zha typing [core.gateway] (3) (@cdce8p - #68685) (zha docs)
- Add zha typing [core.device] (1) (@cdce8p - #68686) (zha docs)
- Add alarm control panel to Overkiz integration (@iMicknl - #67164) (overkiz docs) (new-platform)
- Use DmrDevice to communicate with SamsungTV (@epenet - #68777) (samsungtv docs)
- Motion Blinds dhcp discovery (@starkillerOG - #68809) (motion_blinds docs)
- Update aioairzone to v0.2.1 (@Noltari - #68798) (airzone docs) (dependency)
- Implement coordinator for trafikverket_weather (@gjohansson-ST - #65233) (trafikverket_weatherstation docs) (breaking-change)
- Update core services files with new selectors (@frenck - #68810)
- Disable Unifi Protect Oldest Recording sensor by default (@bdraco - #68804) (unifiprotect docs)
- Use device properties for WeMo Insight sensors (@esev - #63525) (wemo docs)
- Remove energy usage from the switch base class (@balloob - #68821) (switch docs) (mqtt docs) (wemo docs) (vera docs) (hive docs) (homematicip_cloud docs) (fibaro docs) (mfi docs) (mystrom docs) (dlink docs) (netio docs) (edimax docs) (elv docs) (aten_pe docs) (emulated_kasa docs) (breaking-change)
- Simplify is_on state for switch groups (@frenck - #68805) (group docs)
- Remove unneeded repr in samsungtv logging (@bdraco - #68817) (samsungtv docs)
- Update iot_class for samsungtv (@bdraco - #68812) (samsungtv docs)
- Add support for static typing for the PECO library (@IceBotYT - #68707) (peco docs) (dependency)
- Update xknx to version 0.20.0 (@marvin-w - #68818) (knx docs) (dependency)
- Handle MPD songs with multiple artists (@patagonaa - #68759) (mpd docs)
- Fix _abort_if_unique_id_configured updates type hint (@scop - #68730)
- Additional strict typing for additional recorder internals (@bdraco - #68689) (recorder docs)
- Fix light state on boot up (@syssi - #68606) (xiaomi_aqara docs)
- Add CONF_MODEL to core constants (@epenet - #68806) (samsungtv docs)
- Added more attributes (@DeerMaximum - #67135) (nina docs)
- Add duration support for streaming in mpd (@yoedf - #66110) (mpd docs)
- Remove ipaddress check in AndroidTV config flow (@ollo69 - #68630) (androidtv docs)
- Add presets for 2 new tuya TRVs. (@MattWestb - #68576) (zha docs)
- Optimise Upnp event handling in SamsungTV (@epenet - #68828) (samsungtv docs)
- Autoresume in-progress items from Plex media browser (@jjlawren - #68494) (plex docs)
- Improve log when connection to kodi media player cannot be created (@cvwillegen - #68458) (kodi docs)
- Use new CONF_MODEL core constant (1/3) (@epenet - #68829)
- Use new CONF_MODEL core constant (2/3) (@epenet - #68831) (xiaomi docs) (xiaomi_miio docs)
- Use new CONF_MODEL in mqtt (@epenet - #68832) (mqtt docs)
- Wait for Home Assistant start in here_travel_time (@eifinger - #68757) (here_travel_time docs)
- Add diagnostics support for AndroidTV (@ollo69 - #68748) (androidtv docs)
- Improved Add Sreen of the Z-WAve.Me intergration (@PoltoS - #68568) (zwave_me docs)
- Fix codeowners script for nested files (@cdce8p - #68590)
- Mark before/after times as required for times of the day config flow (@emontnemery - #68789) (tod docs)
- Add config flow for utility_meter (@emontnemery - #68457) (utility_meter docs) (config-flow)
- dlna_dms fixes from code review (@chishm - #67796) (dlna_dms docs)
- Cleanup KNX integration (@marvin-w - #68820) (knx docs)
- Motion Blinds API lock (@starkillerOG - #68587) (motion_blinds docs) (dependency)
- Implement config flow for trafikverket_train (@gjohansson-ST - #65182) (trafikverket_train docs) (breaking-change) (config-flow)
- Fix pre-commit by upgrading black (@hunterjm - #68855)
- Add power sensor to fibaro integration (@rappenze - #68848) (fibaro docs)
- 20220329.0 (@zsarnett - #68867) (frontend docs)
- Use location selector in tomorrowio config flow (@raman325 - #68431) (tomorrowio docs)
- Rework config flow in AVM Fritz!Tools (@mib1185 - #67767) (fritz docs)
- Add tests for Fritz!Tools sensors (@mib1185 - #67776) (fritz docs)
- Add update entities to PI-Hole (@mib1185 - #68749) (pi_hole docs) (breaking-change)
- Add update entity to Synology DSM (@mib1185 - #68664) (synology_dsm docs) (breaking-change) (dependency)
- Add lock groups (@hunterjm - #68857) (group docs) (new-platform)
- Add release_notes method to update entities (@ludeeus - #68842) (demo docs) (update docs)
- Improve Config Flow and handle TooManyAttemptsBannedException in Overkiz (@iMicknl - #68868) (overkiz docs) (dependency)
- Bump notifications-android-tv to 0.1.5 (@tkdrob - #68599) (nfandroidtv docs) (dependency)
- Add nest device level diagnostics (@allenporter - #68024) (nest docs)
- Vesync core400s fan speed (@nikolairahimi - #67672) (vesync docs)
- Use fixture for enabling entities in Sonarr tests (@ctalkington - #68177) (sonarr docs)
- Add Vallox cell state sensor tests (@slovdahl - #67069) (vallox docs)
- Add ability to exclude attributes from being recorded by entity domain (@bdraco - #68824) (camera docs) (recorder docs) (breaking-change)
- Add config flow to Tankerkoenig (@mib1185 - #68386) (tankerkoenig docs) (breaking-change) (config-flow)
- Move envoy last reported attribute to its own sensor (@bdraco - #68360) (enphase_envoy docs) (breaking-change)
- Fix race when handling rapid succession of MQTT discovery messages (@emontnemery - #68785) (mqtt docs)
- Add virtual device/service for Hue groups (@marcelveldt - #68569) (hue docs)
- Add overlay options to Tado (@north3221 - #65886) (tado docs)
- Remove duplicate code in SamsungTV bridge (@epenet - #68839) (samsungtv docs)
- Allow timer state to be restored on restart (@raman325 - #67658) (timer docs) (noteworthy)
- Add code comment in SamsungTV (@epenet - #68841) (samsungtv docs)
- Fix NoEntitySpecifiedError in SamsungTV (@epenet - #68880) (samsungtv docs)
- Move Intellifire error codes to individual sensors (@jeeftor - #68249) (intellifire docs) (dependency)
- Prettify yaml (services.yaml) (@epenet - #68878)
- Improve code quality of PECO integration (@IceBotYT - #68865) (peco docs)
- Add full release notes to add-on update entities (@ludeeus - #68876) (hassio docs) (new-integration)
- Disable the SoChain integration (@emontnemery - #68856) (sochain docs) (breaking-change)
- Address Overkiz switch feedback (@iMicknl - #68813) (overkiz docs)
- Extend Overkiz diagnostics and implement device diagnostics (@iMicknl - #68859) (overkiz docs)
- Expand group lights/covers etc (@balloob - #68875)
- Update group description (@balloob - #68882) (group docs)
- Return cached device_info if refresh fails in SamsungTV (@epenet - #68844) (samsungtv docs)
- Prettify json (strings.json) (@epenet - #68885)
- Prettify yaml (2/2) (@epenet - #68879)
- Get cast type and manufacturer via http protocol (@emontnemery - #68863) (cast docs)
- Update yeelight services file with new selectors (@TheZoker - #68814) (yeelight docs)
- Prettify json (manifest.json) (@epenet - #68886)
- Exclude sun attributes from being recorded in the database (@bdraco - #68887) (sun docs) (breaking-change)
- Prettify json (tests) (@epenet - #68888)
- Strict typing for homekit part 1 (@bdraco - #67657) (homekit docs)
- Prettify yaml (tests) (@epenet - #68891)
- Prettify json (component test fixtures) (@epenet - #68892)
- Prettify json (@epenet - #68895) (rainmachine docs) (nexia docs) (zwave_js docs) (open_meteo docs) (unifiprotect docs) (peco docs)
- Auto detect call write register or write registers in set_temperature modbus (@janiversen - #68678) (modbus docs) (breaking-change)
- Bump prettier to v2.6.1 and enable on CI (@epenet - #68877) (dependency)
- Add config flow to discord (@tkdrob - #61069) (discord docs) (breaking-change) (config-flow)
- Fix error handling for expired html5 registration (@esev - #67676) (html5 docs)
- Fix HVAC modes for Airzone slave zones (@Noltari - #68851) (airzone docs)
- Bump PyJWT from 2.1.0 to 2.3.0 (@kaareseras - #68858)
- Discard Solaredge updates for invalid overview data (@ulmerkott - #68048) (solaredge docs)
- Ensure API is called correctly in here_travel_time (@eifinger - #68840) (here_travel_time docs)
- Add option for exchange rate sensor precision to Coinbase (@TomBrien - #68792) (coinbase docs)
- Add 2FA support for Subaru integration setup (@G-Two - #68753) (subaru docs) (dependency)
- Prettify json (@epenet - #68898) (discord docs)
- Fix DEPENDENCY_CONFLICTS (@epenet - #68900)
- Allow customizing unit for temperature and pressure sensors (@emontnemery - #64366) (sensor docs) (broadlink docs)
- Refactor MQTT scene to inherit MqttEntity (@jbouwh - #68883) (mqtt docs)
- Fix zha InovelliCluster base class (@cdce8p - #68683) (zha docs)
- Improve zha typing [api] (5) (@cdce8p - #68684) (zha docs)
- Update vehicle to 0.4.0 (@frenck - #68896) (rdw docs) (dependency)
- Prioritize channels for homematic event subscriptions (@sVnsation - #56619) (homematic docs)
- Update plugwise module to 0.16.9 (@CoMPaTech - #68255) (plugwise docs) (dependency)
- Add Uonet+ Vulcan integration (@Antoni-Czaplicki - #56357) (vulcan docs) (new-integration)
- Bump python-awair to 0.2.3 (@epenet - #68905) (awair docs) (dependency)
- Exclude own entity from group entity selector (@emontnemery - #68782) (group docs)
- Update pylint to 2.13.3 (@cdce8p - #68904) (dependency)
- Additional strict typing for recorder (@bdraco - #68860) (recorder docs)
- Add support for custom effects to tplink light strips (@bdraco - #68502) (tplink docs)
- Do not mark downgrades as updates (@ludeeus - #68893) (update docs)
- Don’t override temperature unit for sensors (@emontnemery - #68910) (sensor docs)
- Update plugwise module to 0.17.2 (@CoMPaTech - #68908) (plugwise docs) (dependency)
- Address late review of nina (@DeerMaximum - #68911) (nina docs) (breaking-change)
- Fix on state for fibaro light entity (@rappenze - #68914) (fibaro docs)
- Remove Daikin int conversion to allow decimal target temperature steps (@vanackej - #61616) (daikin docs)
- Don’t close aiohttp session in Overkiz config flow (@iMicknl - #68913) (overkiz docs)
- Change sharkiqpy to sharkiq (@JeffResc - #68864) (sharkiq docs) (dependency)
- Address late review of Tankerkoenig (@mib1185 - #68919) (tankerkoenig docs)
- Add support for IP secure to KNX config flow (@marvin-w - #68906) (knx docs)
- Initialize xiaomi aqara binary sensor state (@syssi - #68791) (xiaomi_aqara docs)
- Catch kodi protocol errors (@martin3000 - #67555) (kodi docs)
- Add Identity Attribute to enable areas (@Jjbasso - #62698) (decora_wifi docs)
- Change xiaomi _retrieve_list() timeout setting (@Ljzd-PRO - #63964) (xiaomi docs)
- Add supported brands to Overkiz (@iMicknl - #67024) (overkiz docs)
- Provide conv_id to intent (@cyrilperrin - #68102) (hangouts docs)
- Frontend Version Bump to 20220330.0 (@zsarnett - #68918) (frontend docs)
- Add support for joaoapps_join notification categories (@muchtall - #67445) (joaoapps_join docs) (dependency)
- Calculate temperature precision based on user units (@rianadon - #59560) (weather docs) (climacell docs) (beta fix)
- Bump zigpy to 0.44.1 and zha-quirks to 0.0.69 (@puddly - #68921) (zha docs) (beta fix) (dependency)
- Mark all input integrations as helpers (@balloob - #68922) (input_boolean docs) (input_select docs) (input_datetime docs) (input_text docs) (input_number docs) (input_button docs) (beta fix)
- Rename helper_config_entry_flow to schema_config_entry_flow (@emontnemery - #68924) (beta fix)
- Add “station is open” sensor to Tankerkoenig (@mib1185 - #68925) (tankerkoenig docs) (breaking-change) (new-platform) (beta fix)
- Handle config entries of integrations that are removed (@bramkragten - #68928) (config docs) (beta fix)
- Bump pylitterbot to 2022.3.0 (@natekspencer - #68929) (litterrobot docs) (beta fix) (dependency)
- Improve utility_meter services.yaml (@emontnemery - #68930) (utility_meter docs) (beta fix)
- Generic camera: Allow svg detect to accept leading whitespace (@davet2001 - #68932) (generic docs) (beta fix)
- Generic camera: Allow gif image type in still image checker (@davet2001 - #68933) (generic docs) (beta fix)
- Prevent issues with setting up “Timer” integration (unknown “restore” key) (@spacegaier - #68936) (timer docs) (beta fix)
- Exclude large and chatty attributes from being recorded for update entities (@bdraco - #68940) (update docs) (beta fix)
- Rename google hangouts to google chat (@tkdrob - #68941) (hangouts docs) (beta fix)
- Fix google calendar blocking call, running outside of executor (@allenporter - #68948) (google docs) (beta fix)
- Add support for new select selector properties (@raman325 - #68952) (beta fix)
- Change privacy mode to config (@balloob - #68954) (unifiprotect docs) (breaking-change) (beta fix)
- Improve utility_meter services.yaml (@emontnemery - #68960) (utility_meter docs) (beta fix)
- Make utility_meter tariffs a list (@emontnemery - #68967) (utility_meter docs) (beta fix)
- Deprecate temperature conversion in base entity class (@emontnemery - #68978) (breaking-change) (beta fix)
- bump pynetgear to 0.9.2 (@starkillerOG - #68986) (netgear docs) (beta fix) (dependency)
- Don’t log the stack trace (@balloob - #69000) (kodi docs) (beta fix)
- Remove deprecated Switchbot import (@balloob - #69002) (switchbot docs) (breaking-change) (beta fix)
- Solax: remove deprecated YAML import (@balloob - #69003) (solax docs) (breaking-change) (beta fix)
- Nanoleaf: remove deprecated YAML import (@balloob - #69004) (nanoleaf docs) (breaking-change) (beta fix)
- Update tradfri deprecation message (@balloob - #69005) (tradfri docs) (beta fix)
- iCloud: remove deprecated YAML import (@balloob - #69006) (icloud docs) (breaking-change) (beta fix)
- DNS IP: Remove deprecated YAML import (@balloob - #69007) (dnsip docs) (breaking-change) (beta fix)
- Launch Library: remove deprecated YAML import (@balloob - #69008) (launch_library docs) (breaking-change) (beta fix)
- Version: remove deprecated YAML import (@balloob - #69010) (version docs) (breaking-change) (beta fix)
- Device Automation: enforce passing in device-automation-enum (@balloob - #69013) (device_automation docs) (breaking-change) (beta fix)
- Enforce RegistryEntryDisabler enum (@balloob - #69017) (breaking-change) (beta fix)
- Enforce EntityCategory enum (@balloob - #69015) (breaking-change) (beta fix)
- Cleanup Version after removing YAML (@ludeeus - #69020) (version docs) (beta fix)
- Remove deprecated template support in persistent notifications (@frenck - #69021) (persistent_notification docs) (breaking-change) (beta fix)
- Remove deprecated YAML configuration from Brunt (@frenck - #69024) (brunt docs) (breaking-change) (beta fix)
- Remove deprecated YAML configuration from Yale Smart Alarm (@frenck - #69025) (yale_smart_alarm docs) (breaking-change) (beta fix)
- Remove deprecated YAML configuration from Met.no (@frenck - #69027) (met docs) (breaking-change) (beta fix)
- Remove deprecated YAML configuration from Sensibo (@frenck - #69028) (sensibo docs) (breaking-change) (beta fix)
- Remove deprecated YAML configuration from EZVIZ (@frenck - #69031) (ezviz docs) (breaking-change) (beta fix)
- Remove deprecated YAML configuration from Fronius (@frenck - #69032) (fronius docs) (breaking-change) (beta fix)
- Remove deprecated YAML configuration from Yamaha Music Cast (@frenck - #69033) (yamaha_musiccast docs) (breaking-change) (beta fix)
- Improve image checks for generic camera (@davet2001 - #69037) (generic docs) (beta fix)
- Convert statistics to use history api for database access (@bdraco - #68411) (statistics docs) (beta fix)
- Update rokuecp to 0.16.0 (@ctalkington - #68822) (roku docs) (beta fix) (dependency)
- Update KNX flow strings to use “data_description” and remove invalid options (@farmio - #68935) (knx docs) (beta fix)
- Mend incorrectly imported MQTT config entries (@emontnemery - #68987) (mqtt docs) (beta fix)
- Enable select platform in Overkiz integration (@iMicknl - #68995) (overkiz docs) (beta fix)
- Prevent HomeKit from offering hidden entities (@bdraco - #69042) (homekit docs) (beta fix)
- Remove webostv deprecated YAML import (@thecode - #69043) (webostv docs) (breaking-change) (beta fix)
- Fix zwave_js device action logic (@raman325 - #69049) (zwave_js docs) (beta fix)
- Add auto_update property to UpdateEntity (@ludeeus - #69054) (update docs) (beta fix)
- Add auto_update property to supervisor and addon update entities (@ludeeus - #69055) (hassio docs) (beta fix)
- Bump pychromecast to 11.0.0 (@emontnemery - #69057) (cast docs) (beta fix)
- coerce number selector values to int (@farmio - #69059) (knx docs) (beta fix)
- Fix utility_meter startup (@emontnemery - #69064) (utility_meter docs) (beta fix)
- Update zengge codeowners (@emontnemery - #69068) (zengge docs) (beta fix)
- Add bluepy as a dependency for zengge (@emontnemery - #69067) (zengge docs) (beta fix) (dependency)
- Bump pyoverkiz to 1.3.14 in Overkiz integration (@iMicknl - #69084) (overkiz docs) (beta fix) (dependency)
- Fix Protexial alarm in Overkiz integration (@iMicknl - #68996) (overkiz docs) (beta fix)
- Add image test cases to generic (@davet2001 - #69040) (generic docs) (beta fix)
- Rename current_version to installed_version in Update platform (@frenck - #69093) (hassio docs) (demo docs) (pi_hole docs) (wled docs) (synology_dsm docs) (update docs) (breaking-change) (beta fix)
- Remove use of HVAC_MODE_OFF in plugwise climate, it’s not implemented (@bouwew - #69094) (plugwise docs) (beta fix)
- Update frontend to 20220401.0 (@bramkragten - #69095) (frontend docs) (beta fix)
- Bump ZHA dependency zigpy-deconz from 0.14.0 to 0.15.0 (@puddly - #69099) (zha docs) (beta fix) (dependency)
- Environment Canada: Fix for when temperature is zero (@gwww - #69101) (environment_canada docs) (beta fix)
- Bump asyncsleepiq to 1.2.3 (@kbickar - #69104) (sleepiq docs) (beta fix) (dependency)
- Fix unit prefixes for derivative and integration (@raman325 - #69109) (integration docs) (derivative docs) (beta fix)
- Adjust check for orphaned Hue device entries for grouped lights (@marcelveldt - #69110) (hue docs) (beta fix)
- Allow lowercase none for effect value in Hue lights (@marcelveldt - #69111) (hue docs) (beta fix)
- Bump num of conflicts in pip check (@frenck - #69112) (beta fix)
- Fix kodi log spamming (@raman325 - #69113) (kodi docs) (beta fix)
- Update wled to 0.13.2 (@frenck - #69116) (wled docs) (beta fix) (dependency)
- Refactor telegram_bot polling/webhooks platforms and add tests (@wicol - #66433) (telegram_bot docs) (beta fix)
- Return unsubscribe callback from start.async_at_start (@emontnemery - #69083) (beta fix)
- Fix withings race condition for access token (@nbogojevic - #69107) (withings docs) (beta fix)
- Bugfix for overkiz.alarm_control_panel platform exception (@iMicknl - #69131) (overkiz docs) (beta fix)
- ignore ip6 link local address on ssdp discovery (@mib1185 - #69135) (fritz docs) (beta fix)
- Fix kodi log spamming again (@raman325 - #69137) (kodi docs) (beta fix)
- Bump plugwise to v0.17.3 (@bouwew - #69139) (beta fix) (dependency)
- Environment Canada: allow AQHI to pull from forecast when current not available (@gwww - #69142) (environment_canada docs) (beta fix)
- Set brand icon on WLED update entity (@frenck - #69145) (wled docs) (beta fix)
- Bump Yeelight to v0.7.10 (@alexyao2015 - #69147) (yeelight docs) (beta fix) (dependency)
- Update hangups to 0.4.18 (@cdce8p - #69149) (hangouts docs) (beta fix) (dependency)
- Makes sure YAML defined tariffs are unique (@dgomes - #69151) (utility_meter docs) (beta fix)
- Exclude static light attributes from being recorded in the database (@bdraco - #69155) (light docs) (breaking-change) (beta fix)
- Exclude static and token attributes from being recorded for media_player (@bdraco - #69156) (media_player docs) (breaking-change) (beta fix)
- Exclude static climate attributes from being recorded in the database (@bdraco - #69158) (climate docs) (breaking-change) (beta fix)
- Exclude static water_heater attributes from being recorded in the database (@bdraco - #69159) (water_heater docs) (breaking-change) (beta fix)
- Make zwave_js config entry unique ID a string (@raman325 - #69163) (zwave_js docs) (beta fix)
- Exclude supported features and attribution from being recorded in the database (@bdraco - #69165) (camera docs) (recorder docs) (breaking-change) (beta fix)
- ESPHome: Remove disconnect callbacks after they are done (@jesserockz - #69169) (esphome docs) (beta fix)
- Unsubscribe listeners when entity meter sensor is removed (@emontnemery - #69172) (utility_meter docs) (beta fix)
- Exclude static fan attributes from being recorded in the database (@bdraco - #69192) (fan docs) (breaking-change) (beta fix)
- Exclude static humidifier attributes from being recorded in the database (@bdraco - #69193) (humidifier docs) (breaking-change) (beta fix)
- Exclude static number attributes from being recorded in the database (@bdraco - #69194) (number docs) (breaking-change) (beta fix)
- Exclude static select attributes from being recorded in the database (@bdraco - #69195) (select docs) (breaking-change) (beta fix)
- Exclude static siren attributes from being recorded in the database (@bdraco - #69196) (siren docs) (breaking-change) (beta fix)
- Exclude static vacuum attributes from being recorded in the database (@bdraco - #69199) (vacuum docs) (breaking-change) (beta fix)
- Set brand icon as entity picture on update entities (@frenck - #69200) (demo docs) (wled docs) (update docs) (beta fix)
- Exclude update entity picture attribute from recorder (@frenck - #69201) (update docs) (beta fix)
- Exclude weather forecast attribute from recorder (@frenck - #69205) (weather docs) (breaking-change) (beta fix)
- Tibber, Use a dedicated executor pool for database operations (@Danielhiversen - #69208) (tibber docs) (beta fix)
- Exclude more media player attributes from recorder (@frenck - #69209) (media_player docs) (breaking-change) (beta fix)
- Only fire device_registry_updated for suggested_area if the suggestion results in an area change (@bdraco - #69215) (beta fix)
- Avoid fritz API calls during shutdown (@chemelli74 - #69225) (fritz docs) (beta fix)
- Drop unsupported SI-prefix peta from integration sensor (@emontnemery - #69229) (integration docs) (beta fix)
- Unsubscribe from listeners when removing derivative sensor (@emontnemery - #69234) (derivative docs) (beta fix)
- Unsubscribe from listeners when removing integration sensor (@emontnemery - #69235) (integration docs) (beta fix)
- Unsubscribe from listeners when removing threshold binary sensor (@emontnemery - #69236) (threshold docs) (beta fix)
- Fix network starting with no configured IPv4 addresses (@tohojo - #69030) (network docs) (beta fix)
- Input binary sensors are not generated for Shelly 1 Pro (@raducotescu - #69046) (shelly docs) (beta fix)
- Fix tomorrowio sensor units and conversions (@raman325 - #69166) (tomorrowio docs) (beta fix)
- Improve derivative translation strings (@emontnemery - #69245) (derivative docs) (beta fix)
- Improve min_max translation strings (@emontnemery - #69248) (min_max docs) (beta fix)
- Improve switch_as_x translation strings (@emontnemery - #69249) (switch_as_x docs) (beta fix)
- Improve threshold translation strings (@emontnemery - #69250) (threshold docs) (beta fix)
- Improve tod translation strings (@emontnemery - #69251) (tod docs) (beta fix)
- Improve utility_meter translation strings (@emontnemery - #69252) (utility_meter docs) (beta fix)
- Make hassio coordinator refresh data (@ludeeus - #69272) (hassio docs) (beta fix)
- Correct unit_of_measurement for trigger-based template sensor (@emontnemery - #69291) (template docs) (beta fix)
- bump pynetgear to 0.9.3 (@starkillerOG - #69292) (netgear docs) (beta fix) (dependency)
- Update Tibber lib (@Danielhiversen - #69300) (tibber docs) (beta fix) (dependency)
- Improve integration translation strings (@emontnemery - #69246) (integration docs) (beta fix)
- Fix “Camera not found” error in microsoft_face integration (@MoellerDi - #69295) (microsoft_face docs) (beta fix)
- Ensure state is restored when turning on tplink lights without a color mode (@bdraco - #69308) (tplink docs) (beta fix)
- Use recorder executor in demo (@MartinHjelmare - #69327) (demo docs) (beta fix)
- Bump pyhaversion from 22.02.0 to 22.04.0 (@ludeeus - #69329) (version docs) (beta fix) (dependency)
- Prevent issues with config update of “Timer” integration (unknown “restore” key) (@spacegaier - #69332) (timer docs) (beta fix)
- Try exact match first for update state (@bdraco - #69335) (update docs) (beta fix)
- Fix roomba doing I/O in the event loop (@bdraco - #69339) (roomba docs) (beta fix)
- Bump PyISY to 3.0.6 to fix group statuses (@shbatm - #69345) (isy994 docs) (beta fix)
- bump pynetgear to 0.9.4 (@starkillerOG - #69346) (netgear docs) (beta fix) (dependency)
- Update XKNX to version 0.20.1 (@marvin-w - #69353) (knx docs) (beta fix) (dependency)
- Bump pyplaato to 0.0.16 (@JohNan - #69361) (plaato docs) (beta fix) (dependency)
- Disable Spotify Media Player entity by default (@frenck - #69372) (spotify docs) (beta fix)
- Abort samsungtv discovery of legacy devices when unique id not available (@bdraco - #69376) (samsungtv docs) (beta fix)
- 20220405.0 (@zsarnett - #69377) (frontend docs) (beta fix)
- Fix Wallbox charger status (@hesselonline - #68708) (wallbox docs) (beta fix)
- Fix regression in zwave_js (@raman325 - #69312) (zwave_js docs) (beta fix)
- Restore attributes of template binary sensor (@emontnemery - #69350) (template docs) (beta fix)
- Update pysma to 0.6.11 (@rklomp - #69397) (sma docs) (beta fix)